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I'm a bit confused, and want a little clarification. I understand the status part of this add-on, but is this the mod that also includes the mood selection? I looked on the Lite Downloads page and on, but there is nothing in the descriptions that mention moods and no screenshots.

I've been using vMoods for this, but if this status mod includes moods and stays free I would likely switch. The one thing I can't find about the DBTech moods is an easy to access menu. vMoods has a drop-down menu in the sub-navbar in most areas of the site, so it is really easy to switch it, but as far as I can tell you have to go to your own profile to change it here.

Will this mod stay free, or is this just a step towards a bigger, paid mod?

Thanks as always for taking the time to answer my questions.
I'm a bit confused, and want a little clarification. I understand the status part of this add-on, but is this the mod that also includes the mood selection? I looked on the Lite Downloads page and on, but there is nothing in the descriptions that mention moods and no screenshots.

I've been using vMoods for this, but if this status mod includes moods and stays free I would likely switch. The one thing I can't find about the DBTech moods is an easy to access menu. vMoods has a drop-down menu in the sub-navbar in most areas of the site, so it is really easy to switch it, but as far as I can tell you have to go to your own profile to change it here.

Will this mod stay free, or is this just a step towards a bigger, paid mod?

Thanks as always for taking the time to answer my questions.

Yes, the latest version uses the moods. You can see it running here, click the pencil icon next to your mood in any post and you can edit it there too (not just in your profile). I like it better this way actually as my site has custom navigation and anything added there, I have to manually add into the navigation.

It's a good replacement for vMoods as that's what I switched from as well. There's a lot less images by default than vMoods, but there's a mood manager that lets you add in new images. So you could just reuse the vMoods ones too if you wanted.

As to the other questions, I'll let someone at DBTech answer. =)
Oh wow, I totally missed the little pencil icons.
I was originally planning to use vMoods and just make my own icons to replace the current ones, but it sounds like once again DBTech has a product for me to switch to. Thanks Trekkan.
No plans to turn this pro at the moment.

Even if we do, the functionality you guys are used to would stay lite - pro would be additional/new stuff =)

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