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Sajan Thomas

We have User Threads enabled on one forum and editing post to update attachments throws up permission error after a day. Edit Post -> Advanced -> Manage Attachment -> Shows New window with "<User>, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:..."
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Thanks for the info Sajan, will have a look into this shortly to see if I can reproduce it.
Looked at this, and yes there is a permissions issue. I think we can make this an into an option to have permissions to manage attachments, so I've converted it to a Feature Request here. I'll look into the viability of making it permissions based in the next update (hopefully not too far in the future) :)

To confirm what the issue is... a Thread started with editing permissions can see the button to manage attachments, but can't do so through a lack of permissions. They can edit their own attachments regardless of this issue.
Is there a workaround for now ?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. A user can edit their own attachments without any problems from what I've seen with testing v1.0.3. They can't edit another user's attachments. I've worked in additional permissions to allow this for the next release, but that won't be this week.

This also does not work, particular forum has permission such that user can create, see or manage only threads created by user.

You may need to give me a specific example here. Note: user's have never had their ability to see another user's posts restricted by this mod. This mod will allow a user to create a thread in a specific forum (or universally depending on their usergroup settings) and then they can edit another user's posts in their own threads. They cannot manage a thread like an admin would, i.e. they can't currently use inline moderation. You can make user's, or usergroups, immune to another's editing by this mod and can make that a per forum setting.

If you still think there is an issue, can you detail me the specifics of what user (and their permissions) and who they can't edit (with their permissions).
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