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When users are posting links, on some sites we are seeing an Error instead of the correct title.


The link still works fine, and loads the page it is meant to.
This is not a bug. DBSEO fetches whatever title the server sends us when we send a request for the page in question, we have no control over whether this site has different functionality for "bots" (which is essentially what DBSEO is, in this case) and "normal users".
Hi all,

I have exactly the same issue I never had with VBSEO :
Some external links display error messages like :
"301 Moved Permanently"
"403 Forbidden"

The links are working well, it is frustrating and not user friendly to see an error message.
VBSEO displayed the title meta tag content and I was more confortable with this.

Is it possible to change the way DBSEO is working on this point?


As stated above, VBSEO worked fine. While this isn't VBSEO, it does show that it is able to be worked around.

Surely there is a way to sort this out,
vBSEO used an older method of fetching page titles / contents, which is quickly being phased out (webservers will no longer support it and 100% of links will fail). That being said, I can make DBSEO follow 301 redirects when fetching the contents, and that will be added to the next version :)
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