Bug Latest Thread / Latest Post does not honor forum viewing permissions

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I have latest thread and latest posts showing under a user information section tab.

It displays the link to the last thread and/or post title from the users last entries. (as designed of course)

However.. a thread posted by a moderator in a secure forum will DISPLAY to all users, even unregistered users. (of course they can't view it if they click the link) but a lot of these posts/thread titles may contain sensitive data not to be seen by unregistered or standard members.

Need to address/honor forum viewing permissions in relation to latest thread/post titles.

It's a known issue, but one that's not easy to fix without adding extra load.

The latest post and latest thread is stored in the User table, and querying for the latest post counting forum permissions could be an extra strain on the server.

Until an adequate solution is found, I suggest disabling those views :)
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Legacy Postbit Tabs

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