Question jQuery file

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I've not previously used jQuery. I've saved the jQuery.js file but need to know what more I need to do and exactly where the file should be placed. I have a copy uploaded to the clientscript directory at this time. All files are uploaded and the slider configured, but not visible. I'm guessing the issue may be with jQuery and getting the script in the right place. Using jQuery 3.1.0. Thank you for your assistance.


From what I understand right now, I would place the following in the headinclude:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/clientscript/jquery.js"></script> if I have the script in my forum root. Would this be correct? What more needs to be done? Thanks.
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Hi there,

You do not need to manually deploy jQuery to use any of our products, this is handled automatically :)
Hi there,

You do not need to manually deploy jQuery to use any of our products, this is handled automatically :)

So the slider files provide an external link to the library? Just curious as I've not worked with jQuery before. If that's the case then I can remove the headinclude entry. Either way, the slide doesn't appear. I'm using the Lite version downloaded from I've noticed line entries in the .php script referencing the jQuery version, and I believe in the pro version that is entered in the options panel, which isn't in the lite version. Am I missing something? Additionally, I have the blog content set to 0 as my blogs are not enabled on my forum. That leaves only an entry for threads and I've set that quantity to 5. I'm using the Auto-display and it's set to After Navbar. Thanks.

As an aside, ref product-dbtech_vbslider.xml product, line 1507 indicates:
To see the available easings in action, check out <a href=""
That link brings up an error msg. It should be <a href="" for the actual demo.
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Can you double-check your settings to make sure you have the thread content turned on? If you have all types of content set to 0 then it won't show at all.
Have you tried disabling all other products in case there's a conflict somewhere?
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Legacy vBSlider

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DragonByte Technologies
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