IPB 3 or VB4

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What do you prefer? I think IPB3 is a very Good software, the ultimate version for this script is amazing! Customizable profiles, great seo options, status updates like facebook, a great facebook/twitter integration etc. and very fast updates (compare the ipb official blog to the ipb blog...).

But i think vb is the best forum script aivable for two reasons: 1) a better permissions system for the sections/categories, the possibility for adding tags in threads, and the notices (very good feature for a big forum); 2) vb haves many "serious" hacks, ipb community don't have the same quality of modders quality...do you agree?

What do you prefer? (excuse my very bad english...i'm from Italy :P)
I think you'll find a very biased audience here =D

I've designed mods for both vB and IPB, and in general theres just a much more willing and active community with vB than IPB, which is likely the reason for a lack of serious modders on IPB.

In saying that, if we get the right people on board i'd like to expand back into IPB maybe next year.
I think you'll find a very biased audience here =D

I've designed mods for both vB and IPB, and in general theres just a much more willing and active community with vB than IPB, which is likely the reason for a lack of serious modders on IPB.

In saying that, if we get the right people on board i'd like to expand back into IPB maybe next year.

If you do that, just make sure you don't take Fillip H. away from vB coding!!! =)
I always thought IPB was kinda cluttered in comparison to vbulletin. I know this is modifiable through skins, but the default layout just tends to have a few too many javascript effects and information bars where a simple table would do just fine.

Also, it's stupidly overpriced in comparison to vBulletin.
V3? Really? As much as I like the huge number of mods and skins for the old system, the code itself is much cleaner in the new version. Pretty much everything is faster and looks nicer now, which in my mind makes V4 the best version yet.
I prefered vB3 there was something about it that was just good. i don't really like the layout vB4 has (removing of all the buttons and stuff....doesn't feel the same). however with comparison to IPB i'd have to say vB4 would be my bet, simply because i've used IPB in the past and although it looks fantastic and you can give it a good seeing to with regards to settings, vB is easier to use, and better value for money. also because of its larger community vB will no doubt always be the superior product just for the sheer mass of modifications/skins and people.
I haven't paid attention to IPB Since the days of version 1.x. I had a forum on Zero Tolerance's old server (back in the day). When he migrated to vBulletin in 2004 I followed and I haven't looked back since. The community and mods were way better. Also what ZT was able to crank out for vBulletin was way more promising than IPB ;)
I used IPB before I switched to vBulletin and I have never looked back! IPB was great for my community needs at the time, but vBulletin had a lot more in the way of administration and forum management tools. The variety of mods and addons also helped fill in the holes of what the stock version didn't have.

I imagined that IPB has probably grown and evolved a lot since those days of being a freebie forum script, but I'm a loyal vBulletin customer now. XD