Legacy Instances of Thread Ratings

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Former Developer
Thread ratings should have instances. And each of these instances should have their own permissions, options, forum permissions, etc.
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I like thats !! Need it for my Forum.

---------- Post added 27th March 2012 at 09:38 ---------- Previous post was 21st March 2012 at 12:51 ----------

Hey, can you tell me how long you need to implement this funktion?

Mutch thanks.
When the next update of Thread Ratings is being developed, it will be looked into see if it is feasible, it may or may not make it in. With that being said their is no said date on the next version to be developed.
Thread ratings should have instances. And each of these instances should have their own permissions, options, forum permissions, etc.

With the Lite version just being released on vb.org I hope the instances now happens...
I will be honest I placed this mod on hold (not using it) because instances was not a feature.
(and...10 stars down to 5...which I posted in another thread) ;)
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