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Ok - Which version exactly of DownloadsII does this work with?

I've just installed it - gone to import but it says no version found.

Checking through the import code, it's looking for tables with a dl2_ prefix, however mine are all just dl_.

Changing that doesn't work either as it gets stuck at the next section, which is the folder path - $vbulletin->options['dl2folderpath'] doesn't exist, mine is called ecurl.

I'm running the latest version from here - DownloadsII - Forum
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The vB4 version of the DownloadsII mod appears to be more updated than the vB3 version. I will have to re-write parts of the importer to work with the vB3 version, so I'm changing this thread to a Feature Request :)
Hey - does the new version just released solve this issue?

If not - is there a timescale? I'm willing to buy the pro version, but there's no point at the moment if I'm stuck without an import...
I'll try to work on it for an update for next week, though I can't make any promises today unfortunately.
I was considering changing from DownloadsII to VBDownloads, really like the pro features but also am anticipating this problem, my table is also a dl_ prefix.
There are all kinds of problems that I'm expecting, I read somewhere that the import script won't import screenshots from DownloadsII, I have over 700 downloads that require their screenshots and thumbnails and 1900 total DownloadsII files. Is the screenshot importing possible with any VBDownloads version?

Upgrading to VB4 and VB4's version of DownloadsII isn't currently possible for me...
My host is removing php5.2 so I changed to 5.3 without breaking my main postnuke site (which has over 1500 other downloads) but it needs to be replaced to VB in anticipation of a php 5.4 upgrade which breaks postnuke and a custom postnuke to VB bridge that I have, so these other downloads will need to be added manually with screenshots to DownloadsII or VBDownloads. Sorry, my heads spinning around too much to continue...;)
You can always try the new version that was released Monday, see how it works for you :)

The importer is free in the Lite version, so there's no harm in trying, as it won't erase your old files :)
You can always try the new version that was released Monday, see how it works for you :)

The importer is free in the Lite version, so there's no harm in trying, as it won't erase your old files :)

Thanks for the reply, didn't realize there was a 2.4.2 version but unfortunately I just noticed it requires vBulletin 3.8.7, guess I have more problems than I thought, I only have 3.8.1 patch 1 and if I upgrade right now it'll break my postnuke to VB bridge.

Question for future reference...
Can any of your versions import screenshots from DownloadsII?

Thanks again
It doesn't require 3.8.7, it's been tested on that version :)

I'm pretty sure it will still work on your site :)

Can I just check if I buy the Pro version, it will import all my linked downloads in correctly (as mirrors?)
I do believe so, but if you have any issues then I'll be more than happy to assist you on-site to make sure the data is reimported successfully :)
I had a chance to import from DownloadsII over the weekend and successfully imported 3,415 files but did run into some problems, from previous post, vBDownloads in VB3 did import DownloadsII files!

After importing I set up the permissions and categories and tried to edit a dl and ran into these problems that were answered previously:
I then tried these steps from this thread:
The issue is most likely that your vbulletin_css directory is not writeable. You need to CHMOD it to 0777, then go into your vBulletin Options -> Style & Language Settings -> Store CSS Stylesheets as Files? to No then switch it back to Yes.
Still no change in FireFox, can't see uploaded files when editing, then I installed Chrome and everything is there but doesn't work with my FireFox.

About the importing, It didn't import category descriptions no big problem for me, but major problems for me are (would require 100's hours of work):
Didn't import file descriptions

I believe vBDownloads is importing the File uploader and not the Author field in Downloads II, they can be different and are in my DownloadsII. In the templates, I have the uploader name disabled in DownloadsII because most of them are me!

Screenshots and Thumbnails, didn't expect this to work but it's a major problem, I really appreciated the picturestorage folder, DLsII should have done this as well. Unfortunately, inside this folder after importing are just 3,415 "no image" images. After testing, I'm still trying to figure out what happened, no images appear in the program except for the "no image" file but I think vBDownloads tried to import thumbnails but not screenshots because I see many, many new files, both files and new images in my ftp "downloads" folder from DownloadslsII, The new images after importing have a "_thumb.jpg" ending . Could it be that the thumbnails were imported but not screenshots into the downloads folder and not into the vBDownloads data base?

After testing vBDownloads another major problem for me, I tried to change the imported Authors name field (see above, I think it's actually the uploaders name from DLsII) to an actual Authors name that doesn't exist in my forums, doesn't work, tried to leave it empty, didn't work. You can change it to a user that exists. In DownloadsII, you can change it to anything, that's very important to me or at least be able to leave it blank so you can mention the real author in the description.

Sorry about the long post, as mentioned earlier I really like vBDownloads vs. DownloadsII and noticed that I have some other products installed in my old vb 3.8.1 that look like are here now, (Post Thanks, VBShout, VB Credits and VBCommerce) perhaps I did some stupid stuff or some of the major importing problems can be alleviated by getting the Pro Version or by upgrading to VB4 which as mentioned in a previous post currently isn't possible for me.
vBDownloads requires a user that exists to be the owner of a file and a download. There is no way around this, and vBDownloads does not have an "Author" field with free editing enabled. This issue cannot be resolved.

As for the Thumbnails issue, the importer reads from dl_images and the "thumb" column. If that column is empty, that means there is no path to the existing thumbnails, and so they weren't copied over.

I don't know how it stores screenshots, so I'd need your help for that.
vBDownloads requires a user that exists to be the owner of a file and a download. There is no way around this, and vBDownloads does not have an "Author" field with free editing enabled. This issue cannot be resolved.

As for the Thumbnails issue, the importer reads from dl_images and the "thumb" column. If that column is empty, that means there is no path to the existing thumbnails, and so they weren't copied over.

I don't know how it stores screenshots, so I'd need your help for that.

That's unfortunate about the Authors name, I have many files that have multiple authors (collaborations), haven't tested that yet but can you add more than 1 existing forums author like in DownloadsII?

The importer did create thumbnails, they are not visible anywhere, perhaps the problem is that they didn't move to the picturestorage folder?
I haven't given up yet but ran into some other problems with file names after downloading, perhaps this information about screenshots, thumbs, descriptions and thumbnails will help.

In the vb_dl_images table, the name appears to be the screenshot name:
345---2752-------alien poker multiball_0Ho.jpg-------alien poker multiball_0Ho_thumb.jpg

The dl description field is in the vb_dl_files table.

Below is a comparison I did with 1 file to try and see what was happening with the importing process with names and images, hard for me to figure out!

Alien Poker (Multiball)
Downloads as a Zip File with it's true name:
In downloads folder as:
alien poker multiball_0Ho_thumb.jpg
alien poker multiball_0Ho.jpg

Alien Poker (Multiball)
Downloads as Zip File with an improper name:, should be ""
Imported name in DownloadsII downloads folder:
Thumbnail created in DownloadsII downloads folder after import, doesn't show up in program:
1305-alien poker multiball_0Ho_thumb.jpg
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Firstly, I should point out that the file names & file locations imported are 100% correct. In vBDownloads, thumbnails and screenshots are imported as files, same as the main .zip file is. The file name gets the file ID prefixed, as otherwise two files with the same file name (think two "" files) would overwrite each other.

Try deleting all the files from the picturestorage folder except for the index.html, as it's possible the thumbnails were generated before the thumbnail files were imported.
Thanks for the reply, about the file names I understand why vBDownloads had to copy the file with a new name but when DownloadsII adds a file it also changed it's name in the downloads folder but correctly downloads it thru the program with it's real name.

Above example:
Downloads as a Zip File with it's true name:
In downloads folder as:

Downloads as Zip File with an improper name:, should be ""
Imported name in DownloadsII downloads folder:

I don't really understand this stuff but vBDownloads is stripping the "1305-" from the program download, it should also strip the "52796-" with imports because that's not it's downloaded name in DLsII or else many, many folks will dl stuff again without realizing they already have that file called "".

Try deleting all the files from the picturestorage folder except for the index.html, as it's possible the thumbnails were generated before the thumbnail files were imported.
I tried this and it doesn't work, I noticed that I get new files added to the picturestorage folder called thumb-1908.png, etc, etc. the no image file, they automatically regenerate whenever I look at a download page or category.
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