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Is it possible in future version to have a better text editor for producing HTML emails? While I can send HTML emails right now, it adds line breaks every time the HTML code moves onto a new line, thus messing up the formatting of the email. I realise I can get around this by writing all of the HTML on a single line, but it's not very easy to read and edit then.
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I'm not 100% sure if that's possible, since if I do that then it would no longer auto add line breaks for those content using simply BBCode.

It's something I'll have to look in further for a future feature update :)
Thanks for the very quick response. :D Perhaps it could be an option somewhere to switch between a BBCode editor and an HTML editor.
I'm not 100% sure if that's possible, since if I do that then it would no longer auto add line breaks for those content using simply BBCode.

It's something I'll have to look in further for a future feature update :)

Could you change it allow to use the basic editor (or would just clicking the "source" button work)?
Yea, my lovely and beautiful Newsletter manager says she hates your product because it’s not built well for HTML :(

I mean, do you really want to go and tell my gorgeous newsletter manager that she can’t post her newsletter that she made:


It’s going to break my heart that I have to break her heart telling her she’ll have to wait to create more beauty :(
Possibly you could consider using a different editor rather then the vbulletin one.
That way your not held up by vb issues and you can implement html/text modes fully.
That would also mean breaking familiarity and hoping that the new editor handles exactly like vB's editor in all instances so as to not break expectations.
That would also mean breaking familiarity and hoping that the new editor handles exactly like vB's editor in all instances so as to not break expectations.

To a point but the vbulletin editor really is not up to full scratch without a lot of hacks anyway. I would leave the vbulletin editor for basic/bb mode and have a separate editor for advanced stuff which vbulletin wouldnt use anyway.
With that this product becomes a huge tool for people and I can only see it being more popular.
I have hacked in an editor or 2 in the past and its generally not too bad when you dont really have to slap it into vbulletin/bb format, I have been actively looking to upgrade my own notifications email to html/basic mode but it is a little hacky right now.
As far as I'm aware, vBMail will accept HTML if you turn the "Allow HTML in non-forum areas" option (found somewhere in vB's own options) to Yes.

Then again, I'm not sure if that affects Blogs.

In either case, finding an editor whose licence allows its inclusion in commercial software and doesn't require a massive investment to aquire still doesn't (in my personal opinion) warrant its inclusion - there's the support aspect. If something goes wrong in it, we will be dependent on the 3rd party to fix it, and relay information from our customers.

In addition, addons that integrate into CKEditor (say, a Spoiler tag, or a strikethrough tag) won't work - we'd receive complaints for that too.

To reiterate, these are my personal opinions and as such do not necessarily represent the official position of DragonByte Technologies on this matter.
As far as I'm aware, vBMail will accept HTML if you turn the "Allow HTML in non-forum areas" option (found somewhere in vB's own options) to Yes.

This is too dangerous as it would expose us to possible attacks if it's used all time.

On the other hand, if someone wants to use this solution it's in: Go to ACP->Settings->Options->BB Code Settings->Allow HTML in Non Forum Specific Areas->Set it to YES.

You could enable this, then create mail with html, send it, after that change this setting to NO.

And as a suggestion for excellent small editor you could use, I saw this on this site: Free Wiki/CMS Software / Pages / Page Editor | Banana Dance

Link to editor is this: CLEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor

I wish that vBulletin used this editor instead CKEditor. This is small, fast, free and very, very powerful. Maybe you could implement it as special option for sending mails?
I doubt we'll be using a 3rd party editor mostly due to licensing, as well as familiarity reasons. People aren't familiar with 3rd party editors as much as they are with the default vBulletin editor.
I doubt we'll be using a 3rd party editor mostly due to licensing, as well as familiarity reasons. People aren't familiar with 3rd party editors as much as they are with the default vBulletin editor.

I would like to bump this request as from what I've experienced is that the VB editor just does not allow for HTML emails to really be used with this product. The issue with the single line HTML is that it violates RFC once the line reaches 998 Characters. So the only options is to have an email that looks poorly formatted, or a basic text only email.

I had really high hopes to finally be able to send out a professional looking newsletter through the forum, but now I'm back at the start.
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