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I am having an issue with this mod it keeps auto collapsing my main forums?? I really want to use it but seriously some default setting or a conflict or something have no idea what it is but I cannot enable it until I figure it out or stop it from happening...

There is also a theme issue not sure if this is just my theme related but the Tab Bar isn't getting wrapped with the forums colors
I made Yellow Arrows to show where I am talking about in regards

Also too the translation A favourite (British English), or favorite (American English) was wondering if anyone else from USA had said anything in regards as I never used in my 46 years of living the favourite spelling... I have always used favorite just possibly would like an easy way to switch it to the version I used??

Some interesting questions here... :D

You can translate favourites within the phrases, and also the name of the tab itself (the only thing not phrased). There will always be variations in spelling. :)

The formatting should also be fixable by the StyleVars. The StyleVar that holds that colour is: dbtech_forumtabs_selected_background. It's under the section DragonByteTechMods. There are other StyleVars there that will also help with some of the other colours you need changing. If you find there are any missing, please let me know as I'm keen to make the system as adjustable as possible.

With regards to the auto collapsing... I'm not sure what's causing that. I'd suggest clearing out your cookies cache and seeing if the problem repeats itself. Cookies store the collapsed forum data. Is it just you or are other users experiencing the problem? Does it happen on the default skin?

Thanks for posting the questions/issues. :)
Ok thanks for the advice on the translation and theme fix...

I know you guys use the auto refresh here and I am using it in my forums am thinking that is what is causing my forums to collapse...

The thing is you tell me to flush my cookies but if this happens to a random user or visiter this would be bad for business you need something a bit more stable then thinking I could ask random people or members to flush their cookies to fix issues with my site... But ill mess around and see if I can figure it out by myself just think its more then a cookie issue...
Let me know how you get on. So far you're the first person to report this problem (or type of problem) as far as I know. As far as I understand the system the collapsible forums is a vBulletin cookie that we make use of to sort out the collapsed forums. It might be that there is a conflict in your style in some way that might be hindering things. But I'm far from certain on it.

I'm very intrigued to know if the cookie clearing fixes it. I'm away for the next few hours now.
I cleared my Cookies tried the website in IE 10 and in Chrome 24 same issue...

I used the default theme same issues forums keep collapsing! I am pretty much using whatever you guys have here and am getting a bit overwhelmed as to what is causing it!

I removed a ton of plugins just about went completely just with same setup here but the forums still collapsed! Only real difference is I have banners showing for each forums on my website! Another thing not sure how you set it up here but I really didn't set anything up I just left it at default so if there is any setting up needed to be done I didn't really do a whole lot...
Thanks for the feedback. I'm still puzzled by this. Did you find out if it's happening to other users? The setup should work out of the box, and there is nothing to change with regards to forum collapsing.

I would like to try something though.

If you open the following file in a notepad:


Then find:

And replace it with:


That will comment out the part where the system runs the vBulletin collapsers. Save the file and upload to the server and after hard refreshing the page so that it will reload the JavaScript file, see if that fixes the markers problem or not.

I'll have a think as to what else could be causing this. If you can let me know about the success of that change and whether you have any other users experiencing the same problem (for example does it happen when you are logged out of your forum) and we can work from there.

We'll fix this some how. :)
Ok I don't think it is collapsing now I think it's just closing the forums to the category but I am not sure how the tabs mod is supposed to work??? Was I supposed to put forums in a default tab maybe that is the issue???

I am going to disable it until we have a new trial! :)
Just to check... are you assigning a the category level forums along with the real forums you want?


Category 1
-> Forum 1
->-> Subforum 1
->-> Subforum 2

To get the Forum 1 to show, you need to include the Category 1. To get any of the Subforums, you need the Category 1 and the Forum 1.
Here is my forum Manager...
If you can actually see it there are many Categories with sub forums and categories with forums in them

I have some set this way

Category 1
-> Forum 1

and I have some set like this

Category 1
-> Forum 1
->-> Subforum 1
->-> Subforum 2

Now do I have to assign stuff in the forums Tab area? I never did that all I did was in settings switch the tab forums to the first forums....

I really do not understand how this works and if you think that is the cause I guess I need to spend more time figuring it out or need a better tutorial on how to set it up...
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Ok, I think I see what you want. To explain a bit more about how to set the forums up, I'll just show you this image about how we term the tabs (so you can follow which ones I'm on about :D ):


The top layer are Category Tabs. They allow for more detailed organization of sections on your forum. The bottom later are AJAX Tabs, these are the ones that actually contain the forums you want to display.

Now go to the AdminCP and navigate to DBTech – Forum Tabs > Manage Tabs.


The above image will help me explain a bit more about the tabs. Notice the top group of tabs are called Global Tabs. These are AJAX Tabs that contain forums, but are on every Category Tab (this image contains three: All, Favourites and Staff). The All tab is undeletable and will always display all forums (as a way of ensuring users can always access anything). Favourites is also a special undeletable ones and is where a users favourited forums are displayed. The Staff is (as are any other AJAX Tabs created) a customizable one.

Below those you will notice the tabs 'Forums' and 'General'. 'Forums' is the Category tab, and 'General' is the AJAX Tab that will only appear under that Category. 'General' like the 'Staff' tab I mentioned above are the ones you can edit the forums that they display.

You can adjust the forums that are displayed within them by editing the tab and then selecting from the list of forums on that tab editing page that you want to include. To work you need to make sure you select the forums you want and their parents all the way back to the top level category forum. So let's say you want to display Subforum 1, then you would need Category 1, Forum 1 and Subforum 1 selected to ensure that they appear correctly. This needs setting up for each tab.

If you want to set me up with some admin access to the Forumtabs part of the AdminCP, I don't mind setting up one or two tabs if you tell me what you want displayed in them. That way you can see one working as you want and work on with the rest.

Hope this helps.

PS, the manual is here if you've not seen it yet (DragonByte Tech Documentation) and under the Managing Tabs section explains a bit more about how the tabs work.
Ok I had it! I cannot stop this from closing all my forums!!!!

If you have time I need you to see if you can figure it out please! I just had it no more otherwise I just have to keep it disabled!

I am suspecting it's conflicting with the refresh plugin I bought here or maybe your mod just doesn't like the images HTML I added to the forums categories but either way I have completely had it! This is beyond my imagination..

let me know I'll PM login information!
If you send me some login information I'll take a look as soon as I can. We'll figure this out. :)

At the very least I'll need access to the ForumTabs and the Styles in the ACP, but if I can get universal access it might better help me see if there is a conflict.
Cozmic, figured out the problem.

It seems the mod Forum Category Icons (Advanced) has a conflict and then when the tabs reload via the AJAX controls, some of the forums aren't included (nothing to do with the actual forum collapse surprisingly).

I'll try and establish where the conflict lies. I've disabled DFT on the site so you can decide whether you want to enable it and disable the Forum Category Icons Mod, or vice versa. I will do my best to figure out the problem as soon as I can and will get back to you once I have.

Thanks for the Admin access that's helped in narrowing down the issue. :)
You know I am not stupid with this stuff as to trouble shooting but now I feel stupid! :p I never thought that plugin could have been the culprit! Good job guess your younger brain was a bit more brainy then mine!

Thanks for taking your time!
It wasn't an easy spot. I had to work my way through the plugins associated with each product that overlapped the key ones from DFT... not something easily remedied without knowing the way the product works at the server level. But we figured the problem and we can now look for a solution. :)
Letting you know that we are working on this bug to see if we can find a fix to allow for the compatibility conflicts we have with other mods. Will keep you posted. :)
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