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After installing vB Optimise Lite the page generating time increased from around 2seconds to 3seconds. The queries decreased from 19 to 15-17 on forumhome.

This does the page generating time increases so much?
Your page generation is at 2 seconds? That to begin with is very high (pages should be generating in 0.1/0.2 seconds).

Also, what type of cache method are you using? You may find the Filecache adds some extra weight (unlikely a whole second) to cool the MySQL resources, where-as other Opcache systems do not.
I´m using the Filecache method because it´s the only working method :)

I´m on a webhostingpackage and it the only working one. :)

Than it is normal that the page generating time increases?

Is it then an effort for me?

Lower queries but higher page generating time?

I tried also to activate vB_Filecache in the config.php (without using vb optimise) and sometimes the queries are higher and sometimes they are less than without the vB_Filecache method?

What´s the best method for me, if you think about loading times?

Thank you.
I think there may be an issue with Filecache on the vB Datastore, make you should make sure the file has correct permissions: /includes/datastore/datastore_cache.php (chmod 0666 or 0777). As for vB Optimise, it's really a case of monitoring server load. Try leave it off for a while and watch your server load in the ACP for a couple of hours, then with vB Optimise on watch it, see if there are any differences (also make note of the sites current traffic when making these tests).

The filecache method may not be the best solution if your servers hard drive is slow or experiencing a lot of I/O reads (input/output). You should ask your host perhaps in they can install XCache or APC (preferably XCache), so you can use that method.
I now deactivated vb_filecache because without my forum is faster :)

Lower page generating time and queries are more or less the same.

The problem is that I can´t see the server load... So I can´t check the effort vb optimise has. Or is there a trick?
Your server load should appear on the main ACP Page (Control Panel Home), above the quick links marked as "Server Load Averages".
Yes since I upgraded to VB4.0 i lost that section

Note that stripping characters on the fly aka removing the whitespace will most likely cause more server load then its worth using unless u are pre stripping.
Generally the control panel for your server should show the Server Load, are you using cPanel or any other kind of Control Panel management?
If he has the empty character stripping on it does this on the fly and will cause more server side load while saving bandwith and transfer time. He should turn this off.

Same could be said for a number of mods :) But yes you are right.
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