Bug Help widget template mistake vBShout

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Help widget template mistake vBShout

Hola, como esta?

We wanted to put the widget vBShout but then drag the widget forum went blank!

We see the categories and topics on our forums!

Help to fix this please.

Thanks you !!!



Help plantilla error widget vBShout

Hola, como esta ?

Hemos querido poner el widget de vBShout pero luego de arrastrar el widget el foro quedo en blanco !

No vemos las categorias ni los temas de nuestros foros !

Ayuda para solucionar esto por favor.

GRacias !!!
Our Partner Forum vBShout uninstalled but still can not be displayed. This happens to us all the templates.

We communicate with the support VBulletin and say it's something we have to address with you.

I hope we can help with this problem!

Thank You!


Desinstalamos vbshout pero nuetros foros aun no se pueden visualizar. Esto nos pasa con todas las plantillas.

Nos comunicamos con el soporte de VBulletin y dicen que es algo que tenemos que resolver con ustedes.

Espero nos puedan ayudar con este problema !

Gracias !
Where under the English language?

The look inhttp://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum/customizing-vbulletin/vbulletin-downloads/vbulletin-language-packs?filter_sort=lastcontent&filter_order=desc

but I can not find it to install
Sorry, I'm a little bit confused: I'm only looking for you to tell me what the text in the red block in your screenshot means in English.
As this ticket has received no further replies, I'll close it.

If you have any other issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket :)
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 5.0.x vBulletin 5.1.x vBulletin 5.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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