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There is a problem when we use #hashtag

#If_we use them without the default alignment they don't work ="(​

How can we fix it =")?

Best Regads,
That's not a bug, it's a design decision.

You cannot have another character directly before the hash tag, like so: test#test :)
Hash tags don't work inside BBCode:

This #works just fine

This #doesnt work

That is a design decision in order to avoid issues reported by other customers.
We had lots of issues with people's COLOR bbcode being broken by APTL's hash tag feature, as well as other issues I don't recall at this time.

I can see in the code that I explicitly coded it so that it wouldn't work inside BBCode so while I can't give you any more specific examples than the above, it was done for a reason :)
We had lots of issues with people's COLOR bbcode being broken by APTL's hash tag feature, as well as other issues I don't recall at this time.

I can see in the code that I explicitly coded it so that it wouldn't work inside BBCode so while I can't give you any more specific examples than the above, it was done for a reason :)
I see, but this really a bug you should have fix it instead of removing support for bbcode, because it really downgrade the layout of the post when we try to make it beautiful then suddenly text without any style appear for the hash tag =.=

Anyway will you fix this for next version? ="(?
As I said, it's not a bug, it's a design decision :)

That being said, I can make it an option to have it work inside BBCode as well - just keep in mind that if you ever run into any of the issues that caused me to remove support for BBCode in the first place, my answer is going to be "turn the BBCode option off" :p
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

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