Question Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 28' from regexp

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Hi Fillip, sorry but I'm having again an old problem that you just fix in the past on my forum, but now after that my provider have upgraded my server I'm receiving again tons of those errors. Here some example:

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.33:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid
FROM vb4_user
WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*[s��]k[y����]v(à|[a������������])p[e��������](&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*[i��������]t(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*$'

MySQL Error : Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 24' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 03:00:35 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 03:00:35 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Server :
User Agent :

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.33:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid
FROM vb4_user
WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*bl[o������������]g.html(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*$'

MySQL Error : Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 26' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 08:11:56 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 08:11:56 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Server :
User Agent :

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.33:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid
FROM vb4_user
WHERE username REGEXP '^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*bl[o������������]g.html(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*$'

MySQL Error : Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 26' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 06:56:04 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 06:56:04 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Server :
User Agent :

Database error in vBulletin 2.0.33:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT tagtext AS id FROM vb4_tag WHERE tagtext REGEXP "^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*pr[o������������]j[e��������][c�c]t(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*j([u���������]|u|�|�)(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*m[o������������](&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*$" ORDER BY LENGTH(tagtext) LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 47' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 06:10:12 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 13th 2018 @ 06:10:12 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Server :
User Agent :

Can you please give me an help?

Thanks and regards.


  • Database errors.png
    Database errors.png
    52.7 KB · Views: 2
Thanks Fillip, I have followed your advise by changing the urls in the "Members and Profiles URLs" section of the VBSEO to add the id for each members urls. Have I make good in this way?
Also if I think that the problem is on the charset and codifing values of the database that are been lost in the upgrade of the server (to the last version of Ubuntu and PHP 7) made in the last days and in particulars when these errors beging to arrive in my email. Now the provider set the "Charset" (of db) to utf-8 but I don't know how was setted the Codifing of the db and the if the Charset setted in this way is good, maybe could be this the problem. I'm located in Italy so I need the utf-8 charset but I don't remember how we setted before the uograde. (you just fix it the same problem in the past on my site another time that I was changing my server).
Or I have to use the utf8mb4_unicode_ci ? As I read here:
but this thread that I have posted here is about Vb5 and not Vb4 that is the version that I'm still using.

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Sorry, I don’t know the correct character set for vBulletin databases for running utf8. You’re probably okay with utf8_general_ci though.
Many thanks Fillip, infact I remeber that the UTF8_general_ci was setting before (the server upgrade) as Charset, but I don't remember how was setted the db_Collate. Can latin1_general_ci could be good for this setting (db_collate)?
If you need utf8 URLs then you should not use latin1, and you should make sure the entire database is set to use utf8 rather than just convert individual tables. That way, when new adobe are installed, they will also be created in utf8.
Hi Fillip,
I ask to my provider to change the setting as your tip and him answer me in this way:
MySQL is already set to UTF-8:

(see /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf )

# Set default to UTF8.
# If you need Latin1 (original), comment it out - also in server section.
default-character-set = utf8

# Set default to UTF8.
# If you need Latin1 (original), comment it out - also in client section.
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
character_set_server = utf8
collation_server = utf8_general_ci

Maybe there is some conversion needed within the DB itself, as it may be that the database was created using latin1 in the past.

but the problem is still there.
We have noted that many errors that are arriving are about the "avatars" of the users that have special sign in their "username" used in the forum as points or hiphens as succed with these users ".::Iananuzz85::." for example or also "Albe-cig" and "andrea.molinari". Maybe this can help.
Thanks again
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Just to be clear, it won't change anything for existing links, just new member links going forward which uses the new member profile URL.
Ok, also if it seems that the Utf-8 is setted as before the upgrade of the server. I have noted also that disabling the Dbseo the errors stop to come. So I was thinking that the version of the plugin I'm runing the Dbseo Pro 2.0.33 could not support the PHP 7.0 that we have loaded. Maybe could be this the problem because I have an old version of the plugin. What do you think?
Thanks again

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I'm not aware of any specific PHP 7.0 compatibility changes, but v2.0.39 does make references to UTF-8 URLs so that could be related.
Hi Fillip,
we have tried also to use the PHP 5.6 version to see if was that the problem but nothing change. :(
Those errors are coming only when are opened page/threads where is there some "avatar" that seems corrupted from reading and also some others related to some "tags". So I'm receiving 1 error each minute of the day as you can see in the attached image.
Because are weeks that I'm trying to solve the problem in some way but nothing have worked, can you please help me and give a look to my site to see what happen. This is your plugin so you sure will understand quickly what is succeding and know also what to do. I don't know nothing of coding and so I'm really desperate.
Then if is there to pay something I'm available.
Know that we have made these operations:
Update of the Server to last stable version of Ubuntu
Update the PHP from 5.6 version to 7.0 version
(These 2 operations were done form my provider)
Update the VB from version 4.2.3 to 4.2.5
Update the DBSEO from version 2.0.32 to 2.0.33

All the links are working but the plugin continue to send me these database errors and I really don't know what else to do.


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Yes if you are sure that is this that create the problem I can sure try the upgrade the plugin.
Can you please let me know if the update of the plugin have the same price as to buy the plugin for the first time? Or we that just have bought the addon have some discount on the upgrades?
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Yes if you are sure that is this that create the problem I can sure try the upgrade the plugin.
I can't be sure, as I never encountered the issue in the first place, but no-one else has reported the problem since.

Then can you please let me know if the update of the plugin have the same price as to buy the plugin for the first time?
Given the license expired, if you purchase an upgrade at this time via the license area (click the title of the license and then click Renew in the top right corner) there's a 25% discount compared to a new license :)
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