Bug Fatal Error

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I just upgraded to 4.2.5 and whle testing everything I get this fatal error when clicking the classifieds link.
Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /././archerandangler/forums/dbtech/classifieds/actions/listing.php on line 80]
I just upgraded to 4.2.5 and whle testing everything I get this fatal error when clicking the classifieds link.
Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /././archerandangler/forums/dbtech/classifieds/actions/listing.php on line 80]

I'm assuming you've upgraded to PHP 7 at the same time?

If so, I think I know what the issue is. I'll run through the coding tomorrow and get a fix out in the evening. I can provide a quick fix for this one issue, but I'm not certain it will be the only one, so I'll take a bit of time tomorrow to check it through completely.

Thanks for reporting the issue. :)
I've uploaded a hotfix for your issue. If you redownload the 1.1.17 update and make sure this file \upload\dbtech\classifieds\actions\listing.php is replaced.

So far that looks like the only issue, but I'll continue to check through the day and see if there's any other issues. Please report back on how you get on.
Hello CharlieDelta,

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