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This is with reference to my PM.

We have now installed VBAnswers on the live site. we are getting a lot of questions posted. But except for the ADMIN (who has admin user rights) the other members are unable to mark any of the replies as best answer, solution etc. I am puzzled why this is happening. On the test site on the same server with the same theme this was working perfectly.

Please check my PM and respond back.

This is most likely a conflict with another modification, as the problem is in the fact that vBAnswers cannot add its JS code to the HTML source. Are you running any modifications on your live forum that are not on your test forum? If so, please try disabling them.

If not, please disable all plugins running on any hook locations starting with showthread_ and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, re-enable them one-by-one until you find the culprit.

If this does not solve it, or you would like us to perform this testing instead, please provide me with an AdminCP enabled account and make sure it has the permissions to access the Plugins & Products interface.
I hope you have seen our PM. We are still facing problems on our live site - emails notifications are not getting sent out and non admin members are not able to mark the responses as solution or best answer etc. What I am unable to understand - if the ADMIN user can mark the responses as solution, best answer then why is it not working for the other users? If there is some problem with plugins etc then the same problem must apply to the admin user as well? We are getting flooded with questions so would appreciate if you can help us. Once this is fixed we will order the private label option for this plugin.
The AdminCP account you've provided does not have any AdminCP permissions. Additionally, I need an FTP account in order to debug this issue further.

I will also need the account details of an affected user.
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Sorry about the delay in my reply.

I have now sent a PM with details you have asked me. Please check

Thanks for your help
I've fixed it on your site.

The reason was that the variable vBAnswers appended its JS code to did not exist for non-admins, because no templates had been processed prior to running the vBAnswers code for non-admins.

Thanks :)
Thank you for fixing this. Really appreciate the support you provide.

I have sent you a PM on users placed under "moderator" user group
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Legacy vBAnswers

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DragonByte Technologies
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