Pending Expiring Serial Keys


I created a thread here before, asking whether or not it were possible to create serial keys with an expiration date;

Unfortunately, this has not been implemented yet, and it would be a great feature to add.

There are lots of examples where expiring serial keys take place. For example, gift cards.

"How long do gift cards last? Federal law stipulates that gift cards can only expire five years after purchase. Its value can be diminished if it's not used within 12 months, as fees can be charged for inactivity, dormancy, and service." -

Another example is in software. It is very common for software to allow for the activation of their product using serial keys. Malwarebytes, a popular anti-virus uses this system; but the keys they sell do not last forever. They have a time limit on them for how long they activate the product for.

You might also purchase a subscription to a website as a "gift" (which would come with some sort of code), where that gift would likely expire in time; if unclaimed. Not all serial keys will give a user access to a product for an infinite amount of time, which is why I believe an option to add expiring serial keys should be an option.

Be sure to upvote if you think that this could be a good addition to this software. Thanks.
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I have found some other issues.

1) Why is there even a "Product variation" on serial key products?

It's not like you have the option to do anything with it. If you're going to have "product variation" on serial keys, then there must be some sort of "variation", no? For example, giving a user a longer time period on that serial key license.

2) Same for this:
What is the point of temporary user groups in the "Serial key" product creation, if you can't even set the time the serial is valid for under "product variation"? And why can you give a user a license for a serial key that has an expiry date in the "/admin.php?dbtech-ecommerce/licenses/" section, and not have the option to when creating a "Serial key" product? It makes no sense whatsoever.

@DragonByte Technologies @Fillip H. please add the mentioned changes. All you need to do for issue number 1 and 2 is to add an option for "license duration" in the product creation page for "Serial key" products, just like you have when creating a "Digital" product. And you should not be able to renew this license (which is currently what you're doing I believe, so keep that feature).