error uploading

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The following dependencies were not met:
  1. This product is not compatible with version 5.2.17 of PHP. (Compatible starting with 5.3.0 / Incompatible with 9.9.9 and greater)

this is what i got when i tried to upload this to my test site is how do i fix this to where i can upload this product
Well this product does not work with my version of php

So this is uninstalled till a fix perhaps becomes available
There is no fix, this is not a bug. PHP 5.2 reached End of Life (no more bug fixes or security fixes) on 6th Jan 2011, or 4 years 8 months ago. You are using a version of PHP riddled with performance issues & security holes, and we will not be providing support for it. PHP 5.3 is the minimum version even though it reached End of Life over a year ago.

I would strongly recommend upgrading to PHP 5.4 or 5.5.

As this was not entered into our ticket system, I'll have to manually close this thread.
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