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Bug drop down image repeats itself each time you click edit

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In a user profile, If you click on the Edit button for Moods. you can get drop down list of Moods. If you click on the edit button again, it adds an extra drop down arrow button next to each category. You can repeat this over and over. (vb3.8.x)

Refreshing the page solves the issue.

Kind of a minor bug, but still kind of strange lol
Where are you receiving this? The edit button should disappear until a mood is selected or cancel is pressed.
I'll show you a pic.


It is only minor, happens in users profiles when you click on the edit button multiple times. Only happens in vb 3.8.x And will be gone when you refresh the page. I just thought it was a little odd lol
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Legacy User Status & Moods

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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