Question Dragonbyte Shop and large forums

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Home Alone

I currently have Dragonbyte Shop installed on a VB 4.25 forum. I have to turn it off during peak hours because of the load it places on the forum. During peak hours there are 2 - 3,000 members and 5 - 6,000 guests on the forum. Do you know if this mod has been installed/tested on large, active forums and whether or not it stresses the forum and spikes the load?
The most likely cause for this would be the "Force Formatting" option.

In vBulletin, there are a lot of areas that generates the "Markup Username" from incomplete data, meaning that vBShop has to query the database for that user's purchase information to find out if they have bought any Username Colour (or similar) items.

If you have 3,000 members in, let's say the Who's Online area, that would potentially be 3,000 queries being ran.

Can you try disabling that option and let me know how that works for you?
In that case, your site would be the first large forum to report such problems.

Are you able to share any more information regarding your usage of the mod that could assist me in diagnosing this?
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Legacy vBShop

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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