DragonByte A special question


New member
Dragonbyte is a plugin maker that I have admired for years. Your vbulletin seo plugin was very good. Have you thought of something for Xenforo too?
Also, would something like a portal help xenforo for seo?

I renewed the license to reach the stable version 2.3 at the moment. I need to fix the forum in a determined way, you definitely have something very successful in terms of seo that you can suggest to me.
Is Portal Better For Seo Or Is It Better To Combine The Community With A Separate Wordpress Style Site? The problem is that I can't trust any software other than xenforo. I lost 9 wordpress sites, they were hacked. I also lost 3 communities and 1 toplist site. I don't trust any software other than xenforo. If your answer is link a worpress-style news software to its community, recommend a news software as secure as xenforo