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We are having difficulty uploading images that would be considered larger dimensions below

1. 843 X 1476
2. 855 X 417
3. 896 X 1163

All of the above are png images and fail due to size. Can you tell me where to increase width/height and filesize please. I am not seeing anything relevant in the downloads area of the AdminCP

Thanks in advance for the help
Try in the ACP left side menu find, DBTech - vBDownloads / Manage Extensions you should be able to change the size there. Let me know if it works for you.
Sorry, I don't have an entry in the ACP menu for DBTech - vBDownloads, I do for vbshout and user status but not downloads, the only configurable area I see for downloads is a section of the settings menu
Are you using any modifications that edit the left side menu? I see on your forum that the cpnav file is present, so the only thing I can think of is that the superadministrators is not set correctly.

Are you able to access the Administrator Permissions screen? If so, please try granting your user Can Administer Downloads in there.
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