Bug dbTech Raffle issue

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Ok I have the one issue fixed seen in post #24 of the mod at vbulletin.org, now I am having another issue. When the raffle draws I get a message saying "Could not find phrase "dbtech_raffle_drawn".

I have uninstalled the xml file and reinstalled it many times and there is nothing there. I went into the Search Phrases and searched for that phrase it isn't showing at all. Plus it is not sending pm's or posting in specified forums as selected in the settings which I am taking the reasons for that is because of the missing phrase.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


  • dbtech_raffles_drawn.png
    87.1 KB · Views: 6
PMs will not be sent unless you have configured the "PM Sender" vBulletin Option, and threads will not be created unless you have configured the "Thread Starter" vBOption.
Thanks, they both were enabled. However I am not sure if the error message I am receiving when raffle goes off stops the PM or Thread post. Again I can't not find that phrase in the Phrase section for Raffles.
I have downloaded this mod from vBulletin.org site and when I noticed the issue, I came here and downloaded it into a separate area and uploaded files from here as well and still same issue.

Its been almost 24 hours since this has been discussed and still nothing has been resolved with this issue. The moderator has been on several times since he had initially replied to this issue and never touched the REAL issue I am having with this, just the sub issues. I saw over on vbulletin.org's site this statement from another one of your mods "we typically aim to respond to support queries within a day at of them being posted at the absolute latest. After that initial delay we responded to your additional post on our site within an hour, which is closer to our average response time". I know everyone has a life outside of the computer and internet and stuff, but you shouldn't make public statements as above if it were not true. That statement isn't very true, again it has been almost 24 hours and the mod/creator has been on several times since his reply.

I have installed MANY of your mods and want to install many more which have been tagged on vBulletin.org site and even purchase some of them for not just one site but many I will be working on in the near future, but with this type of support for an issue I am afraid to do so.

Again the REAL issue I am having a problem with is after the raffle has been drawn and I click on the raffle I am getting this error message
"Could not find phrase "dbtech_raffle_drawn", I have looked in the Phrase Manager for the Raffles and it is NOT in the Phrase list. Apparently it has been left out or something. Again I have removed all files from the server, uninstalled the xml file reinstalled everything many times over and still get the same issue. I have downloaded this mod from both here as well as vbulletin.org sites and still same results.

Yes I did post this issue over on vbulletin.org site for the mod in hopes someone else may have had the same issue and help me resolve it but nothing has come up.

Thank you.
Last edited:

Its been almost 24 hours since this has been discussed and still nothing has been resolved with this issue. The moderator has been on several times since he had initially replied to this issue and never touched the REAL issue I am having with this, just the sub issues. I saw over on vbulletin.org's site this statement from another one of your mods "we typically aim to respond to support queries within a day at of them being posted at the absolute latest. After that initial delay we responded to your additional post on our site within an hour, which is closer to our average response time". I know everyone has a life outside of the computer and internet and stuff, but you shouldn't make public statements as above if it were not true. That statement isn't very true, again it has been almost 24 hours and the mod/creator has been on several times since his reply.
I'm sorry that you feel like our response times are not up to your expectations.

I have been very busy this week preparing not only a whole new modification but also a significant update to one of our existing mods, and this has taken a large amount of my time. Add that to the fact that the weekends are really the only time I get to relax, and you have the reason why your issue was not addressed as quickly as you expect.

Again the REAL issue I am having a problem with is after the raffle has been drawn and I click on the raffle I am getting this error message "Could not find phrase "dbtech_raffle_drawn"
Please understand that this is purely a visual issue and has absolutely no impact on the functionality of the mod in any way, shape or form, and is 100% unrelated to the issue you're experiencing with posting new threads.

Please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account so that I can investigate the PM / New Thread issue @ your site, as I am unable to replicate it locally.
I'm sorry that you feel like our response times are not up to your expectations.

I have been very busy this week preparing not only a whole new modification but also a significant update to one of our existing mods, and this has taken a large amount of my time. Add that to the fact that the weekends are really the only time I get to relax, and you have the reason why your issue was not addressed as quickly as you expect.

I apologize for what I have said, I was only going by with what I saw elsewhere as far as your response time. I can certainly understand about the weekends as I am the same way.

Please understand that this is purely a visual issue and has absolutely no impact on the functionality of the mod in any way, shape or form, and is 100% unrelated to the issue you're experiencing with posting new threads.

I am not so sure about that. Not really to worried about the posting of threads or sending PM's per se, I set those up to test all functionality of the mods as I am installing and configuring them in case I want to use those features or not. So something isn't really functioning properly somewhere. Reason is and my suspicion is when I set up a raffle I go into my database and make sure I have the points to enter (20) which is more then enough as I used default settings for amount to enter (5). When I enter the raffle I check my database again and I drop to 15 points. When a raffle is drawn and I am the only one who enters it I would think I would be the one to win the points payout which is set to 20 for all 5 payouts which would increase my points to 35 in my database and it doesn't. Still showing 15. So I am guessing the Raffle is not fully functioning for some reason and since that's the only error I am getting I am assuming and I know what "assuming" means and willing to take that chance lol, that error may have something to do with it. Again not 100% sure but leaning towards it.

BTW PM has been sent.

Thank you for your time and understanding.
I apologize for what I have said, I was only going by with what I saw elsewhere as far as your response time. I can certainly understand about the weekends as I am the same way.
No harm done, I completely understand where you're coming from :)

I am not so sure about that.
Trust me, I know for a fact it's purely a visual issue :)

BTW PM has been sent.
I'll look into this @ your site tomorrow, the rest of tonight I'll be busy with releases. Thanks!
No harm done, I completely understand where you're coming from :)

Trust me, I know for a fact it's purely a visual issue :)

I'll look into this @ your site tomorrow, the rest of tonight I'll be busy with releases. Thanks!

Ok sounds good. Hope you have some good releases and can't wait to see them as I really like the work you do here and your mods :)
Hello WhiteKnight,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Fixed.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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