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I want to buy this today to replace VBSEO which i have currently disabled.

Do i need to uninstall VBSEO before installing DBSEO?

Same for the thanks/likes because i want to import the history from the DB.

I am not sure if uninstalling VBSEO will also remove the records from the DB.

Please help ASAP because i need to do this today.

Regards :)
You should not uninstall vBSEO until both imports have been completed.

Here are the instructions (can also be found in the Pro version download):
1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your forum root

2. Open the .htaccess file in a FXP editor, comment out the vBSEO entries and add the DBSEO entries as per the readme.txt file, but not saving the file just yet

3. Disable vBSEO from the vBulletin Products & Plugins

4. Disable vBSEO Sitemap Generator from vBulletin Products & Plugins

5. Import the DBSEO product

6. Enter the DBSEO Control Panel via the ACP side menu link, click vBSEO Import and wait for it to complete

7. Save the .htaccess file edit from the FXP editor

8. Confirm that Forum Home, Forum Display and Show Thread pages load as intended

9. Chmod the ./store_sitemap folder to 077

10. Enter the DBSEO Control Panel via the ACP side menu link, click Sitemap Settings and enable sitemap generation

11. Click the Build Sitemap link and wait for it to complete
If you purchase the Pro Install, it's normally handled within 24 hours but that's not a guarantee :)
As this ticket has received no further replies, I'll close it.

If you have any other issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket :)
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