Bug dbseo wont allow posting of links in new threads (error 500)

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Hello feverc5,

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Sorry, We have upgraded to .31 and we are getting white pages every once in a while. We tried the multiviews fix and that did not seem to fix it. I have had a couple people complain of getting 500 errors after upgrading to .31 again, but I have not been able to duplicate this myself. I have been able to duplicate the white pages. It seems like it only happens when you're in the advanced editing of the post or if you preview the post multiple times. . But once it starts showing a white page if you have the postid=#### it will just keep showing a white page.

FeverClan | Gaming Community
Would you be able to give me step-by-step instructions for how to replicate this issue?
Would you be able to give me step-by-step instructions for how to replicate this issue?

Sorry for the delay. It appears if you attempt to post a link. Like say: Google Maps

I will get a white screen. If its a thread then it won't submit, but if you take the link out it will work fine. Posts with links will submit but shows you a blank screen. It appears like its trying to convert the URL to title over and over again. because if you put the URL in alone it will show a white page. If you put the URL and title in manually it will post fine. To me it doesn't seem like it would be caused by the DBseo, however, on Version .28 it doesn't happen. So I'm not sure.
Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D
I have resolved the one DBSEO-related error in your error_log file and purged it so you can easily check for new entries. Let me know if this works for you :)
Which error log was it writing to?
error_log in the root directory of my FTP account, where the vB files are.

Also, if you check out this post. You'll notice the link doesn't work. We haven't been able to dig into the issue.
This is a server issue 100% unrelated to DBSEO. My guess, an overzealous mod_security rule doesn't like URL Encoded URLs. We had to disable large portions of mod_security to avoid this issue. If you ever receive reports of random redirects to the forum home page when your members submit posts, that would be why.

Short of disabling mod_sec rules, your only option is to turn off the Anonymise External URLs setting.

PS: That 1990s GeoCities background effect you have on the FeverRain Rain 2.0 skin makes it really difficult to read about half of the text on your thread pages. I think that's the forum default skin since I don't recall having loaded up that page before.
Hello feverc5,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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