Question dbseo with addthis

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I am having a problem with addthis social sharing.

I would like to take the minimalist approach and have compact buttons as configurable by the dbseo control panel "page setting". Only when I disable social sharing does this large addthis vertical bar go away. I was confused on why I did not see any defined setting for a vertical bar, yet I was seeing both my desired and defined compact horizontal bar as well as this large vertical bar clipping to the left side of my pages.

My first indication that it was a product related issue was that I disabled plugins and it went away. It seems after awhile of trial and error and searching through templates as well as grep'ing through my http folder, the only source I could find regarding was in dragonbyte seo.

I did sign up for an account to be able to place a tracking id inside db seo settings.

What could be causing this unwanted bar?
Could you please show a screenshot of this issue in action, and of your sharing settings?
I am unable to replicate this issue. Please make sure you are not using any other modifications that integrate with AddThis.
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