Bug Criteria "User has purchased any of the selected products:" only checks against license purchases


As title.

This criteria returns false if the user bought any physical products that didn't require a license.

                if (isset($user->dbtech_ecommerce_license_count)
                    && $user->dbtech_ecommerce_license_count >= 1
                    && !empty($data['product_ids'])
                    && $licenseRepo->findLicensesByUserAndProduct($user->user_id, $data['product_ids'])->total() >= 1
                ) {
                    $returnValue = true;

I'd really appreciate if the fix could be hot-patched into the current build, as I would rather not wait until v4 (I'm using this criteria for onboarding) :s
I would say it’s the naming of the check that’s wrong rather than the functionality - there is no performant way of checking physical purchases at this time.

Adding a tracker for other product types is not suitable for a hotfix unfortunately.

DragonByte eCommerce

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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