Bug Couple bugs, some re-wording suggestions and a question

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1) Under "Banner Space Locator" section on forumads.php, the images still show even for sections that do not have any active ads available. For instance the first 4 images for me have no active ads which takes up a lot of unnecessary real estate. It would make sense to just show the images for sections with ads that are currently active.

Edit - Maybe by default also showing smaller images (maybe max width of 250px) to start for the active sections with an option to "Click to Expand" would also help. Currently the way it sits depending on the advertiser's screen size they could be scrolling a lot to try and view the section(s) they are interested in.

2) If I have a "Price Per Impression" and a "Price Per Click" for the same ad space in the cart and remove one or the other both ads disappear from the cart. If I refresh the page the other (non-removed) ad does come back into the display.

3) Need padding after "Configured Banner Advertisements". (see image)



Rewording Suggestions:

I've found some of the wording to be confusing in some areas of this mod. I will list the ones I've come across and what makes a more sense to me. This could just be a personal thing but I think in most cases others may agree too.

1) When going to the next page when purchasing an ad space you use "Configure (1)".
- This definitely had me confused. Typically when making purchases online you will see the word "Continue". I also think that expanding the item count to say "Continue (1 item(s) In Cart), would also help. It would be great to this button added to the top of the page also, like it is at the bottom.

2) On the "Customer Area" page you currently use "Active", "Under Moderation/Approved" and "Unpaid/Paid". I think "Submitted", "Approved" and "Paid" would be better descriptive text and you should only change the symbol. I think changing the text along with the symbol is what confused me when initially looking at the page. I think if you just used "Submitted", "Approved", "Paid" as the text and just changed the symbol that it would be more straight forward.

Edit - I actually think a forth option would help - "Submitted", "Approved", "Paid", and "Active". Active will be a red "X" until paid for, then once the ad has run its course it will go back to a red "X" and as long as a position is still open for this ad space a link will be added to it (like shown after an ad that hasn't been paid yet) to take the advertiser back to "purchase more for this ad location" and allow the advertiser to automatically be approved if they keep the same physical ad.



1) After an advertiser submits an ad for approval they are sent to the "Customer Area" page. How does the advertiser easily get back to this page? A link to it does not appear to be emailed to them after submitting their ad for approval, nor do I see a link to get back to the customer page from the original purchasing page either. In some cases approval may take some time and I'm sure advertisers would like to be able to visually see the status of there ad(s) while awaiting approval. I assume a link is sent when an ad is approved or paid for but this process could take some time and the advertiser currently has no easy means of viewing the status of his ad(s) in the mean time.
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I'll address the question first; At this time they would need to click Forum Ads -> Customer Area page, or bookmark the page in question.
Yes, was planning on manually putting a link in the footer.

Just didn't think a separate navbar tab at the top was the right place for a link to something significantly less than 1% of my my users would ever use.
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Not yet, sorry :(

I'll bring this to the attention of Cosmic and find out when we can give this the required priority.
Update #1: I've finished a rework of the Banner Space Locator area. First off, I've moved the HTML to templates, so you'll be able to customise it further if you need to. Secondly, I've gotten rid of the list of locations above the images, as it was rather confusing. Lastly, I've made it so only sections with available banner locations show, and the text will show without mouseover.

However, due to limitations of the location images, I've had to retain the yellow boxes for slots unavailable for purchase. I have replaced the text contents of the unavailable slots with "N/A" and made them unclickable.

Here's a screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2z0achwstkfosqh/Screenshot 2015-02-12 23.03.40.png?dl=0

I'm moving on to the other issues now, and will keep this thread updated :)
Update 2: I believe I've addressed everything in this post, I'll release v2.1.0 the upcoming Monday :)
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