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cliff p

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to work this product into our forum software. Currently, we have VB Extra Threadfields which I had purchased (twice) for our forum, and the support I'm receiving is less than stellar. The developer regularly ignores e-mails and other requests for support. That's another story for another day, though.

So my questions:

1. Can we import our current fields into this mod, so that all existing threads with the mod will continue to display the required information?
2. Does this work with VBSEO? Currently, ProVB's mod doesn't work out of the box with VBSEO as I've discovered.

Thanks in advance!
There's no importer available (I wasn't even aware that mod existed) and I'm pretty sure they work significantly differently so it's not just a simple case of creating an importer either :(

This mod does not change the URL structure in any way so there's no reason to believe vBSEO will affect this mod :)
Is there a possibility that I could provide you some files to review? :) These two mods seem very similar. They both provide the same function.
I have installed the product and did a test run on it, but when submitting a new thread I receive a database error:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vb3_dbtech_dbforms_entry
(categoryid, questions, Item For Sale, dateline, responses)
(1, 'a:1:{i:1;s:67:\"Testing product for replacement of current classifieds modification\";}', 'Testing product for replacement of current classifieds modification', 1356100379, 'a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:6:\"userid\";i:171;s:6:\"postid\";i:868997;s:12:\"responsetype\";s:4:\"user\";s:8:\"dateline\";i:1356100379;}i:1;a:4:{s:6:\"userid\";i:171;s:6:\"postid\";i:868997;s:12:\"responsetype\";s:7:\"manager\";s:8:\"dateline\";i:1356100379;}}');

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'For Sale, dateline, responses)
(1, 'a:1:{i:1;s:67:\"Testing product fo' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Friday, December 21st 2012 @ 09:32:59 AM
Error Date : Friday, December 21st 2012 @ 09:33:00 AM
Script : SR20 Community Forum - The Dash
Referrer : SR20 Community Forum - The Dash
IP Address :
You've used spaces as your varname for some questions, this is not intended. Please delete that question and replace the varname with something that has no spaces.

You can upload them somewhere and PM me the link :)
That fixed it. Wasn't paying attention when I saw varname :D The only additional question I'd have would be "Can this somehow show up in a thread in Tapatalk?"

If so, you'd make so many people in the community VERY happy. :)

One more thing: The validation is awesome, but can you somehow make a URL a linkable URL?
Last edited:
If you post new threads for these two feature requests we'll take them into consideration for future versions :)
@ cliff i had many dealings with Gio over the years and trust me support on any level for products and expensive custom work is bad most of the time, quite chatting until the $$$ change hands then pooof gone.

Reason i buy an use DBtech products there always here an always give support even when not there stuff. Lots of great stuff out there forgotten about by original developers that needs dedication of people here to bring back too life.

hats off too DBTech
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