Question Changed A VBShop Item itemid in DB directly, now cannot remove the item.

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This is a site I host. One of the Site's moderators wanted to add a new item to the shop, and then changed the itemid in the dbtech_vbshop_item table. This broke the item and it cannot be deleted or edited, even after changing the ID back, and they've asked me to fix it. I'm assuming there's some reference I have to fix, but I'm not sure.
Can you please try clicking "Repair Cache" in the sidebar?

For the future, please instruct your moderators to not directly alter the database, as there's quite the tree of references involved. Currently, our DB tables do not use Foreign Keys due to limited support for these on legacy systems, so the application itself will need to be allowed to maintain these references.
I have tried the "rebuild cache" several times, and it does not make a difference.

I have instructed them to not make changes like this.
If you PM me with an AdminCP account that has at least Can Administer vBShop and the canrunqueries permission in config.php (please make sure you test this before giving me the access details, if I can't execute SQL queries then we're just wasting each other's time), as well as give me all information regarding the affected item, I can look into this @ your site.
We went ahead and tried to create a new item after you so graciously fixed the problem, and we run into the same issue. We still get the message that item_id=0 cannot be found and when you try to edit the object, it tells you data is missing. We also had to try two times for anything to even show up. If you need access again, let me know as I've disabled that account post your fix (d'oh!)
Do you have Suhosin installed on your server? If so, please disable it, as it is a likely cause of this problem.
Hello Patches,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Answered.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
Again, my apologies for not following proper process. Susohin is not installed on the server from what I can tell.
I will need the FTP and AdminCP access restored in order to look into this further.

I'm also in the process of travelling for the holidays, so it may be a few days before I can properly look at this :)
I'll get you resetup with AdminCP access.

I don't think we ever had you on FTP before, so I'll need to see about setting that up as well.

Sorry for the delay in reply, I too was traveling for the holidays.
Hi there,

A likely source of this problem is that your max_input_vars is set to 1000. Could you please edit php.ini and update this to 100000 or higher then attempt to replicate this problem?

You can confirm the value by going to the AdminCP -> Maintenance -> View PHP Info.

Let me know if you continue to experience this problem after changing the value (only relates to new items, I'll fix the old one once the edit has been applied).

I updated the php variable as requested and still experience the same issue. New items add okay but you cannot edit them (Clicking edit brings you to a "Missing required information, Item Type" and you have the option to click to add the missing information. Clicking that link takes you back to the item management page. Trying to delete the item gives the "Could not find dbtech_vbshop_item with itemid = 0" error.
I found the offending product: The "Raffles" mod you have installed on your forum is causing a PHP error which your config.php file was set up to hide.

Once I disabled that product, I was able to edit existing items without issue. The 4 items with itemid 0 have been deleted, could you please try replicating the issue now?

ScreenHunter_82 Jan. 16 20.30.webpScreenHunter_83 Jan. 16 20.31.webp

It's still doing the same thing. I've attached screenshots for review.

This site has a metric crapload of plugins that were installed before I was brought on. Disable whatever you need.

Thanks again!
I've just noticed that the site is running Pro versions of all our modifications, yet I can't seem to find any purchased licences pointing to your site.

Do you know if the previous owner had purchased any products? If not, I'm going to have to ask you to remove all existing Pro versions (including the files) and re-install the Lite versions.

Sorry :(
You know, somehow I'm not surprised. Let's put a pin in this for the moment while I get with the other moderators and see what they want to do. I don't have much interest in trying to support pirated software. That's probably part of the issue.

I apologize for wasting your time. Thank you for your help thus far and I'll let you know how we want to proceed.
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Legacy vBShop

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