
My Paypal Account access is limited.Anyone can say how to fix Account access is limite?

What can't I do while my account is limited?

send money
withdraw money from your account
receive or request money
close your account
add money to your account
remove a card
remove a bank account
send refunds
You should contact PayPal and ask them. Many times, this is due to suspected identity theft (ridiculous) so they'll ask you to submit proof of identity.
[h=3]Why is my PayPal account access limited?[/h]

We may limit your account access as a security measure to protect your account and keep PayPal safe.

The process is similar to passing through a security checkpoint and being asked to show identification. When we limit an account we're often simply asking the account holder to supply information to verify their identity, financial information or the merchandise they're selling.

An account may be limited for a variety of reasons. When you log into your account, you will see a message explaining the reason behind the decision to limit your account.

Possible reasons could include:

  • Possible unauthorised account access
  • Unresolved buyer disputes or credit card chargebacks
  • Violations of PayPal’s User Agreement or Acceptable Use Policy.

To see what we need you to do to restore your account access:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click on Resolution Centre near the top of the page.
  3. Complete all steps listed in the Steps to Remove Limitations table.

We aim to review the information you provide within 48 hours so please get the information to us as soon as you can. Reviews are performed in the order they are received.
This issue cannot solved,I already send my all document and asked solved my issue but get email PayPal appeal denied.Can i paypal new account registration with new Basic Information Details.I cannot run my site without paypal account.Also we need purchase product but dragonbyte-tech does not support another payment methods.Please any one can help me how to get new paypal account?
Dear ,

We are sorry to inform you that we have decided to end our
contractual relationship because dellAlto level of risk ACTIVITY
relating to your account. Þ This measure necessary to protect us from
any financial loss.

When we close an account, do not release the funds immediately available
on the balance because we can provide the necessary coverage
financial against any justified complaints submitted by
buyers within the terms of the law and the contract.

All 'beginning we will keep money in your PayPal account and we will use it to
deal with any complaints or chargebacks at your expense. If your balance
presents amounts due to PayPal, you will need to repay them. We will conduct a
first review after 30 days from the date of this email and decide
But I have no more paypal accounts,

Why is my account access limited?

14 Feb 2013: To help protect our customers' accounts, we routinely review account activity. It appears from our review that you have more than one account, one of which has engaged in activity that violates our User Agreement.

As a result, we've restricted your accounts. You'll still be able to log in to view your transaction history, but you won't be able to send or receive money.

(Your case ID for this reason is PP-002-204-851-359.)
That's a shame, short of pleading with them, or opening a new account, from what I have researched, there is nothing that can be done.
It is possible, I would open the account under a family members name and bank account info if possible.
I am planning opening a new account with my wife Information Details and my wife have a one credit cards but she is does not bank account,without Job cannot open bank account its rules of Italy.I cannot use my bank account and credit cards Information Details? without bank account can open a new account?
I dunno, I doubt you can use your info as it would trigger their system. As far as opening it with only a credit card I do believe it's possible but there may be limits on the account, it is best to ask them and find out for sure.
Yes they do. I believe they limit you to 3 accounts per IP.

PayPal will track you via the follow methods:
· IP Address
· Email Address
· Cookies
· Flash Cookies
· First Name , Last Name
· Mailing Address
· Country
· Phone Number
· Bank Info
· Credit Card Info
· Website URL (If you have it linked to your PayPal)
· eBay account (eBay owns PayPal)
· “Email Beacons” (This is still a theory)
· Social Security Number
· EIN / Tax Number
· Government ID

IP Address: This is where MOST people fail when they try to create a new
PayPal address. They think they deleted their cookies, and that’s enough.
WRONG! You MUST change your IP Address, otherwise you risk being limited again for being linked to a bad account.. Don’t worry though, changing your IP address is VERY easy. I have provided a video below that will show you how to change your IP address in a few minutes.

Email Address: You would think this is obvious; however some people still
try to sign up with a new account, using a new email address. Don’t and I
want to emphasize not use an email address that is linked with your domain
name (Even if you change or create a new user name). Reason being, PayPal is not that stupid. They will track your domain names! I highly suggest you use Gmail. There is a reason for that as well, lately amongst my “inner circle” friends, they say that services especially AOL will accept “beacons” and these “beacons” can be use to trace you. How this works is, in each of your official PayPal emails (notification emails) they will include a hidden “beacon” and services like AOL don’t block these, where as Gmail does. This is still a theory, however I don’t want to be the guinea pig!

Cookies: Cookies are just little bytes of information that a website will place
on your computer that will give them basic information. We all know what cookies are. PayPal and eBay use cookies, to identify an individual computer. So it’s important for you to clear these. Please review the Clearing cookies POST on the best methods and free tools to use.

Flash Cookies: Flash cookies are simple cookies on “steroids” they use macromedia flash. Most, if not all browsers won’t clear flash cookies when you click on “Clear cookies” most people don’t even realize they have flash cookies on their computer. This is where people fail next. Some people have tried to take their laptop to another location (if they don’t know how to change IP) where they will get a new IP by logging into a different network. OR They may use “Air Cars” to change their IP address. Well, guess what, just because you changed you IP address and cleared your simple cookies does not mean you’re finished. These people would then proceed to setup a new PayPal and eBay account and think they are in the clear. Then BAM within hours, or after the first transaction their account is suspended.
They never cleared the Flash cookies, and this is another method being used
to trace you. So please review the video on how to clear Flash cookies.

Personal Info: This again should be obvious. YOU NEVER WANT TO USE THE SAME INFORMATION! You should always use a alias of your name.
Example of Real name: Susan Eileen Boyle
Possible Alias’s:
Alias 1) Susanne Boyle
Alias 2) Susan Boyl
Alias 3) Suzanne Boyle
Alias 4) Suzanne Boyl
Alias 5) Suzan Boyle
Alias 6) Suzan Boyl
Alias 7) Eilen Boyle
Alias 8) Eilen Boyl
Alias 9) Eileen Boyle
Alias 10) Eileen Boyl
As you can see above, there are 10 different “Alias name” you can use. I always try to use name close to my real name, just in case I have to get a
Check, then I can Cash it. I can’t cash a check that is not even close to my
real name. So I use variations of first, middle and last name.

Address: Since PayPal and eBay rarely ever send you a piece of mail (unless you choose this method to confirm address) Always use a different address with the same Zip Code as your Bank Account. Why same Zip Code? Well, when you confirm your address, the only thing they check is to make sure the Address Zip Code matches the Credit Card Zip Code (I will go more into this later)

Country: *Important* If you are in Country A don’t try to make a PayPal account based out of Country B. I know a lot of people have tried to make US based accounts from other countries. This is a REAL quick way to get flagged. You can only accomplish this if you have a private proxy service that will give you the IP of that country. And this can be expensive. So for simplicity purposes, only register the PayPal account in the country you’re currently located.

Phone Number: Again, this should be obvious, however some people still TRY to link their phone to another account. PayPal won’t allow you to do that, but they will keep a note in the system that you can’t see. It is REALLY easy to get a new phone number though. I go through this in detail in the Account setup Section.

Bank Info: A bank account can only be attached to one account. So don’t even try to add a bank account that is already linked to a previous PayPal account, you will receive an error message, and PayPal will secretly record that information placing the new account at risk. So don’t even try. I will show you how to get a bunch of bank accounts to use.

Credit Card/Debit Card: This is very similar to the bank account. A card number can only be linked with 1 account. I will show you how to get a bunch of Cards to use.

Website/Domain: If you have linked a shopping cart directly to your PayPal account without using a 3rd party service, then you NEVER want to link that domain, or any other domain that shares the same hosting service to another PayPal account. PayPal will record that domain and any relevant information, and flag it. So if they see it pop up on another account, it can be used to link it to a previously suspended or limited account.

eBay: eBay owns PayPal, so you know they share all the information. Never mix and match PayPal accounts with eBay accounts. And when you are making a new eBay account, use the same precautions.

Email Beacons: (See email Accounts)

Social Security: This is the magic information. The reason why I say that, is in the US most accounts remain limited for ever because the account holder either does not want to provide this information, or this information is linked with a previous account. Just like the other info. S.S.N. can only be linked with one account.

EIN Number / Tax Id / Government ID: EIN number is a “business social” you can apply for different EIN number from the government, however you can no longer substituted an EIN number in place of the SS. In some countries, this information is not even request and in those countries creating, sustaining a PayPal account is much easier for those reasons. Now, I suggest you RE-READ the information in this chapter, and commit it to memory. If you understand how you are being tracked, you will understand how to work around the system and never have a problem with creating a new account again.