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I made event for currency that user will get X credits if they open thread in specific forum. I test it and in postbit and member profile I didn't get any credits but when I look in transactions in acp it is there.
What am I missing?

I made event for currency that user will get X credits if they open thread in specific forum. I test it and in postbit and member profile I didn't get any credits but when I look in transactions in acp it is there.
What am I missing?


It's more than likely the way transactions are processed. They are put in a transaction queue so to speak. These get processed as people move about the forum, etc. There is also a Scheduled Task in the AdminCP that you can enable that processes these every 10 minutes if you have a smaller board (like I do).
I know about Scheduled Task, that was first thing I looked. I still don't have any points after 7 hours and manualy runing Scheduled Task few times.
I have fix it. I deleted all files and upload them again and install products but problem was still there. Than I notice in readme file that I should first install product-credits.xml and after product-credits_vbulletin.xml ( I was doing opposite both times ) , so after importing products third time it start working :)
Ok, I am lost now. It doesn't work again. After I installed products again it calculate this few posts I was testing but after that it stop. I also notice that Scheduled Task is disabled by default and in description is said it doesn't need to be enabled. How does it calculate point than and I still dodn't understand why doesn't work with me. I am testing it on test site right now.
Ok, I am lost now. It doesn't work again. After I installed products again it calculate this few posts I was testing but after that it stop. I also notice that Scheduled Task is disabled by default and in description is said it doesn't need to be enabled. How does it calculate point than and I still dodn't understand why doesn't work with me. I am testing it on test site right now.

You may enable it if you do not have a large and busy site (say... 500 users on at the same time is too busy). I am working on ways for pending transactions to be processed in addition to the scheduled task. I also posted instructions for calculating existing points here:

Yay! Instructions are for losers, am I right?

(I did the same thing the first time.)

lol. im trying to get it to auto-install the addons during install of the main one, so should only be one xml to worry about in the future. But yes I do hope you read those....
On my live site I have 1000+ users online but here where I am testing it I am alone and I still don't understand why it doesn't work. I made 5 posts in last 20 min and points are still same. Even if I enable Scheduled Task and run it it doesn't work.
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