
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy vBArcade Profile Tab

    Please can you add option for vBArcade Profile Tab?
  2. S

    Question rar files in import folder

    Hello, I would like to know if i can remove the tar files in the dbtech/vbarcade/import folder after i installed the games or if they have to stay there. Many Thanks! sven
  3. K

    Dragonbyte Gallery / vBDownloads vBulletin 5 version?

    Hi, I jsut want to know if there will be a vBulletin 5 version of Dragonbyte Gallery and vBDownloads. We are planning to switch to vB 5 and it would be nice (some users would say necessary) to have the gallery and downloads on the new forum as well. Thanks. Caipi
  4. B

    Question Jackpots and prices

    Can someone help me - what I must do when should install vbarcade add-on - jackpots and prices? How to configure that and get it works with vbactivity awards (pro)? regards bosss
  5. B

    Question Guests permissions

    How can get that guests can view games (categories) but no play them? Also is it possible that members report broken games (exp make new thread on reported games) or maybe another way? regards bosss
  6. B

    Question Need some help - .htaccess

    Hello Need some help - unistalled ibroarcade and installed Dbtech vbarcade - had some problems with scores - maybe need adjust my .htaccess file # Retrieve gamedata requests and send to new dbtech locations # RewriteRule ^arcade/gamedata/(.*) dbtech/vbarcade/media/$1 [L] # Retrieve...
  7. CharlieDelta

    Arcade Version Problem in Client Area

    My product version checker is telling me that there is a new version of Arcade Pro (2.0.2) but my client area is only showing the beta version.
  8. angeljs

    Question Have arcade scores post to different file

    I realise this isn't your problem at all, I was just wondering if it were possible. I have ibpro arcade installed and would like to have this one running on my forums as well. I've changed all instances (on your script) of arcade.php to vbarcade.php in all the files and the xml import file. I've...
  9. Z

    Legacy Is there a way to make high scores post to vbshout?

    I have vbshout lite and vbarcade lite (it's a new site, if it becomes popular I plan to upgrade to pro) Is there a way to make a message appear in vbshout whenever somebody beat a high score on a game or whenever new games are added? Didn't see anything in the settings for either mod, nor was...
  10. B

    Bug Scores problem

    Have similar problem like here - http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f44/top-5-stats-11197/ Problem is not with top stats but problem is when save score...it is not done immediately ... under game window mean ... must log out and wait ...some minutes or hour ... and after I see my last scores ...
  11. B

    Question Arcade Points

    Some questions about points for arcade Now I have vbactivity & awards - can I use that with arcade and jackpot? If yes - what I should put in field for arcade points in settings for arcade in admincp? Must I have also vbcredits deluxe? regards bosss
  12. B

    Question How change arcade mod

    Have just few questions. Now I use IBproarcade mod (next level arcade) and have about 14 000 games on my site. All games are tar games and for ibproarcade. 1, Can I change to yours vbarcade and keep all games and high scores from my users? 2. If is it possible - is there some documentation or...
  13. kyle

    Bug IE 10 Issue with Expand

    This is occurring on your site using IE 10 and vbarcade. Also on other sites when I check using IE 10 After selecting a game and ticking the expand box the attached screenshot shows the game screen and what happens to it. There are a lot of problems with IE 10 and vbulletin lately like...
  14. A

    Bug .htaccess issue with new install...

    Had a fresh, blank .htaccess in my forum root. I place this in it. Nothing else. Still can't get it to install or get past it asking me to put it there. My forum is at DOMAIN.com/forum/ and everything is right.... <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on # Set to vbulletin directory...
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Outdated Product Link URL Error

    As the title states, the url is wrong in the "Outdated Product" window in the admincp.
  16. E

    Question add plugin stopped and waiting...

    hello, i have me forum compled new install. install is the version VB 4.2.0 PL3, the forum have no errors and running. when i will install the newest version from arcade, the system add in plugin, stopped after Add-on import product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml the system say, i must change the...
  17. E

    Question game import stopped >56 Games

    hello, i have a problem, that the game import stopped by 56 games. in the importfolder i have kopie 150 games from me older pro arcade addon, all files .tar.gz files. admincp-import games-upload games- found 25stck a page. select all, update games-add, and then the first 25 games running. i...
  18. T

    Legacy "Send" button and Ajax comment

    Hi to All I install this hack. But: why this hack haven't "Send" button on end? and user can not write comment on the end of topic?! this is better that for send a comment, not needful to referral to another page. are may be we add Send button and Ajax Comment for this hack? Tanks and...
  19. Ian Herndon

    Server/Network Requirement Forecasting

    Is there a way to predict how much network and hardware resources would be required based on certain levels of usage? 100 users at any given time, 500? 1000? How is that calculated? By session activity time just totalled?
  20. T

    Question Uploaded vbArcade. Now I need to add games

    Having trouble adding games.. Want all games available