
  1. Mental

    Bug tagging and auto merging === booboo!

    I think this is due to me updating to the recent version. Anyways, steps to reproduce. make a post tag a user post it reply with an embedded youtube url to auto merge video output then is HTML for the tagged users Fillip H.
  2. Jj Michael Smith

    Question How to set up forum block tags?

    How do you get the forum block to work. I see nothing there.
  3. R

    Bug Database error on search

    If extra spaces or * characters are in the search it fails. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(imageid) AS imagecount FROM dbtech_gallery_images WHERE instanceid = 1 && approved...
  4. Vcize

    Question PHP 5.3 support

    I recently upgraded my server from PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.3.28. My instance of User Tagging Pro stopped working and started throwing errors about Assigning the return value of new by reference being deprecated. What is the minimum version I need to upgrade to for PHP 5.3 support?
  5. GeekLingo

    Bug Doesn't work on 5.1.1a9

    Can confirm that it doesn't work on my install of 5.1.1a9. I get the same error I do with all the DB mods on 5.1.1: There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered It seems to be something to do with this hook: dbtech_usertag_footer. If I disable that, I can load my site up ok...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Automatic Tagger From Message Content and Title

    Please can you add option will automatically add tags according to message content, title and existing tags in forum. It will also automatically add new tags to old messages. Features: 1.Automatically adds tags to new posts/threads according to content, title and already existing tags in...
  7. K

    How Long Do I Have To Wait??

    Last night I purchased Advanced User Tagging. Paid for it through PayPal. It cleared my PayPal immediately. Is there somewhere else I have to go besides the Client Area to download it? All I see in there is: I am a bit surprised that it is still the same. What am I having to wait for? (yes...
  8. Vincent Polisi

    Question How Do You Enable Email Notifications In Advanced User Tagging?

    I've got Advanced User Tagging Lite operational for vB5.1.0 and it's working great. My understanding is that it would fire an email notification to each user when they are tagged in addition to adding it to their inbox and notification number icon. It's not doing that. Is there some other...
  9. Vincent Polisi

    Advanced User Tagging Lite doesn't work in vB 5.1.0

    I want to purchase a lifetime license for Advanced User Tagging and uploaded the lite version to test it out prior to purchase. When trying to import the XML file, my only options are vb3 and vb4 from the download. When selecting the product-dbtech_usertag.xml file I get the following error...
  10. GaWd

    Question "You have been quoted at [forumname]

    My users do not like the notifications sent by Advanced User Tagging. I have disabled the following: Disabled Emails This setting lets you globally disable email alerts for each feature. Mentions Tags Quotes But I am still getting notifications when quoted or mentioned. How do I disable...
  11. T

    Bug Tagging users with a space in their name

    my users are coming across a rare case where one user has a space in their name, and another user has the same first part of the name of the other user. The user without the space is getting the notifications that the first user should be getting. For example, lets say the user name is "John...
  12. McLarenDan

    Bug Questions since I purchased the full edition

    Firstly, thanks - I liked this so much I upgraded to the full edition on day1. Definitely a good one. I have a question - where are the messages which are sent out to notify you, stored? The current one is messy. I'd like to customise it to my own message, which is much more professional than...
  13. M

    Advanced User Tagging Installation!

    When I tried to buy Advanced User Tagging mod, I was surprised by this statement: "Does not contain the product itself, only a form to fill out that will enable DragonByte Tech support agents to install the software (purchased separately) on your forum." What do you mean by: "(purchased...
  14. B

    Bug Instead of clickable links, I get [post-xxxx]...text...[/post]

    Hi, After sucessfully installing this add-on, when someone gets mentioned or quoted, it shows up in the profile section, but the post tag isnt parsed. It looks like this: 12:10 AM - KAREAMEL mentioned ronnie|A in post [ post=30266811]lets @ eachother to test out the new tagging feature..[/post...
  15. B

    Question Unable to upload XML during installation. -> XML Error: "No error at Line 0"

    Unable to upload XML during installation. -> XML Error: "No error at Line 0" Hi, I am having problems with the latest version of the advanced user tagging. When I go to upload the XML version for v3, I keep getting this error: XML Error: "No error at Line 0". I have re-downloaded several...
  16. GuiltyNL

    Bug Pro version installed, some questions

    Ok we have the pro version installed in our test configuration (5.1.0). But It seems that I don't see everything? 1) Mentions work. ;) 2) I'm unable to disable the PM for having a Mention or Quote etc., I've tried 'Hide Mention Alerts' and 'Disable Mention Emails' but I still keep receiving the...
  17. McLarenDan

    Bug I'm considering upgrading - but install errors need sorting first!

    I've just installed vb user tagging.... I was going to buy the full version, however came across serious issues on the lite version! However, I have a few issues which need sorting first.. When I click the vbTech - User Tagging tab, I get the following error on every page: Warning...
  18. A

    Bug Mention Problem with special characters

    hi thanks for your mods :) i have a problem in mention with those users who have a special characters in their names it works with Arabic characters and its very very good :D this problem doesn't appear in threads tagging or quotes just in mentions how can i solve it
  19. M

    Bug Some posts became undeletable!

    After installing Advanced user Tagging Pro, some posts in various threads have become undeleteable! Moderators try to delete them but after processing the delete request, they are still there!. Even if they try to unapprove these posts, they still remain approved. This is not true for all...
  20. GuiltyNL

    Advanced User Tagging PM Notification

    Hello, We have tested the Advanced User Tagging Lite version on our 5.0.5 board, but we are unhappy with the PM's being sent with each tag. Is there a way to disable this in the PRO version? Also, wouldn't it be better to add it to the Notifications in the Message Center instead of sending a...