
  1. D

    Website Icons

    I'm a huge fan of DBTech, and made a DBTech Icon for the bottom of our site. I thought I would post it here for others to use if they wish, I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here by doing this.
  2. S

    Bug Warnings and errors

    Hi, when I enter the field to add achievements, prior to adding anything, it has a warning that displays Warning: opendir(images/icons/vbactivity/achievements) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/actions/admin/achievement.php on line 211...
  3. H

    Question New gift images don't show

    I added a custom item to be used as a gift. I uploaded the icons to /public_html/dbtech/vbshop/images/gifts and /public_html/dbtech/vbshop/images/gifts/shop. When I added the item the images don't appear. How do I get the images to appear? I uploaded several .gif files to be used as new gifts...
  4. Vcize

    Question Set number of items per row

    Is there a way to set the number of items that show up per row in the shop? I'm using some wider icons and they cause the shop to overlap with the cart when the user is not using a very high resolution.
  5. Ozzy47

    Question Mass Delete

    With the addition of the icon for armor import, you said it won't update existing games, so is their a way to mass delete the games. Or if I reimport the games over the already installed ones would that fix it?
  6. Ozzy47

    Bug Include icon for armor import

    I see with alot of the Armor games they don't show a game icon in the latest champions and latest scores block. Is their a way to fix that?
  7. Ozzy47

    Legacy Make icons accessible

    Have a trophy icon for all players that are not in the top 3 so in the Most Trophies and Longest Players blocks, it looks consistent. Right now it just don't look right if you choose to display more than 3 players. I was thinking a blank icon, but that might not look right either.
  8. Ozzy47

    Bug Notification image

    When you edit notification type, and try to add a icon to the notif it does not show up. I added a image to /dbtech/notifications/icons/ folder, then added the image name in Icon box, clicked save, but the image does not show up. I tried multiple images too to see if the images were broken...
  9. Valcav

    Text-editor problem on dark templates...

    Not really a question about the template, I just have a little problem that is similar to one at that template... On my test forum I use also dark backgrounds, since the update to v4.1.5, is my text-editor (you know, where you write this, or where you write your reply) Mixed up... When you...
  10. Ozzy47

    Legacy Arcade Feature Request List

    Here is a list of Feature requests that members made for the arcade for quick reference. When and if they are implemented or scrapped they can be removed from this list. Accepted or Suggested Requests: Revise tabs / category display Under Consideration...
  11. Trekkan

    Bug v3 live install issues

    So I did an import of 9 games from v3Arcade, 5 of them ended up with game icons, 4 did not. In the below screenshots, you'll see that in the first one, the game icons exist, but when I do the actual import of the games, on the next page, there are no icons. Then in my arcade, there are broken...
  12. konakid

    Question Activity bar questions

    Some questions please: - What does "Lv. Percent" on the first bar stand for? I could only think of "Level Percent," but then I couldn't understand why it would be abbreviated when the complete text would still have been shorter the the other "bar titles." - Is there anyway to remove the Lv...
  13. Trekkan

    Legacy Make game icons the same size in the importer

    Again, not a big deal, but the game icons should be consistent with each other. I assume the the IPB games have a fixes size that is smaller than the Mochi for instance, but if they were either all scaled up or down to match, the visual would I think be better (even at a loss of quality if you...
  14. Trekkan

    Bug No confirmation of success when importing single game

    When importing a Mochi game from my local PC, the game imports, the screen flashes and all games I've imported this way are displayed on a screen that says "discovered games". I did this with a couple single game imports and they are all listed on this "discovered games" page, after importing...
  15. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Download vBArcade beta: v17

    Kept here will be the actual arcade beta packages for download. A new revision will be posted as new posts to this thread. This work is to be treated as any license would - it is non transferrable and non-distributable. Do not leak. Currently, only vb4 is supported. Installing vBArcade will...
  16. mrderanged

    Question Icon & Award Images and XML

    I'm very interested in purchasing this mod, but I don't seem to be able to purchase any of the icon packs. I was interested in the one that comes with the "default" xml file of awards. Are the icon packs and a sample award xml file available any longer? The addon doesn't do me much good...
  17. ClutchThese

    Legacy Create an Achievement for Donations

    I'm trying to figure out how to an an achievement to give to members who donate. I have a few icons i'm going to use, but don't know how to make this an achievement. Any advice.
  18. G

    Bug Moods selection doesn't work

    When I want to change a mood I get the prompt to choose "Blue", but nothing happens when clicking on Blue... I see javascript:// on mouseover. No amount of clicking makes it actually choose Blue though - doesn't respond. I don't have any addons that mess with JS or anything of the like...
  19. B

    vBMail v1.0.0 [Beta]

    Two problems and a question so far ... :) 1. Don't see any additions to the Navbar or under "Community Links" or "Quick Links" ... :confused: 2. Thought it might be due to the fact we haven't added a mailing list yet, so went to the "Manage Mailing List" option area tried to do that...
  20. CoZmicShReddeR

    A few requests

    Just wondering why you haven't made a donations modification yet? I like to have it work with your other modifications as I was using another service but am wanting everything to work together as I feel it looks better.:) Also too why no CMS addons for the downloads and Activity mods? I thought...