
  1. G

    Legacy Unknown Location in Who's Online

    Various vBA pages all show as "Unknown Location" in online.php. That's just sloppy and ugly. How about naming them properly?
  2. GoodApples

    Legacy Contest Settings

    Contest settings are set to Public = Yes Show Criteria = No To improve the product I believe it would be best to not show the N/A settings. If there are excluded there is no need to show it to all usergroups. I am about to start my first contest and testing. :) It would be better if this...
  3. H

    Bug has reached x shouts bug

    In the shoutbox I get: * Hornstar has reached 2800 shouts!* @ [04:11 PM] Only last night it said I was up to about 2500. Every time I log in I have easily another 50 added on. This is annoying as I have not even made more than 5 shouts lol I am guessing it is logging some other kind of action...
  4. angeljs

    Question Hiding Credits In Postbit

    Hi, how do I hide the credits from showing in the postbit? I see in one thread that you said: but I have no idea how to do that, and the credits are showing twice: Social Groups - Sim Fans UK - Free downloads, cheats, tutorials and more
  5. kitawanita

    Question Add image after thank button clicked

    Hi, I see ozzy47 post a thread about "Images To Replace Text "This Post Requires You To Click Bla Bla Bla" I want to add an image after the thanks button clicked like this Thanks for help
  6. Mv.c9

    vBDownloads Full Scale CMS

    Hi to all DBtech staff, specially David and Cosmic I was looking around the internet for a few months now and realized that there is NO DownloadCMS out there, if there are any, they are usually custom build and are very ugly. Now I was thinking if you could Develope vBdownloads a bit further...
  7. C

    Question HIDE not working

    I have installed the plugin but the hide option isnt working at all. When I use the hide tags, it doesn't hide anything.
  8. T

    Question How I disable tool auto private massage to PM Box

    Can anybody help me make the New Post Thank/Like Alert disable autosend to PM Box. Demo below And how to show it on the [AJAX] Advanced Forum Statistics I use DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Lite 1.1.7 ) Thank for read and help me if you can. Best regard. Sorry if I be a shame.
  9. R

    Question create complex Post Collapse Weighting formulas ?

    I have added several additional buttons but only one has a negative value. I just realized that the Reputation points is completely separate from the Collapse Weighting the instructions show and the default formula is [dislikes]-[likes] which is confusing if no decimal numbers are...
  10. C

    Question not hiding other tab content

    For some reason, it is not hiding the closed tab. (I haven't eliminated the double info yet as I am still in the evaluation period for this addon.) Any thoughts on how to fix?
  11. blinkster

    Question Thanx ticked as default

    A while back i adjusted the newreply_form_start.php so that Require Thanks to see attachments was automatically ticked but this has stopped working and i don't see the options to apply the fix found here...
  12. SaN-DeeP

    Question Entries?

    one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?" May i know what does entries mean in ur mod? does it mean user results?? what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?" thx.
  13. adambloch

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'THANKS' not found in

    Hi there as some of the other people on this site have noted it took forever to install but got there in the end :) I have tried to the setup the "manage buttons" and I get this message Fatal error: Class 'THANKS' not found in...
  14. A

    Question Scroll Bar

    Another wee question... :o How do you remove the horizontal scrollbar at the botton of the chat area so you only have the vertical one like in the shoutbox on here? :confused:
  15. blinkster

    Question 2 issues after upgrade

    With the old version of thanks i used this http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/threads/903-Attachments-not-hiding?p=5125&viewfull=1#post5125 to have the box already ticked but now it aint and that doesn't appear to apply to new version second issue as with beta version suddenly all my attachments...
  16. A

    Legacy A Few suggestions

    1)Can you think about making it so that you can make likes and dislikes hidden for a post. I would like to use the feature "burying a post" however, I don't want users to know who disliked their post because it may spark flame wars. Thank you so much. 2)Make it so when a person gets a specified...
  17. War.Frog

    Bug Notifications and Require Thanks to View not working

    I've just been testing out the functionality, and for whatever reason I cannot get this to notify a user when they've been thanked, or to enforce the Thanks to see content. I've checked user permissions under the buttons and all are checked. Any suggestions?
  18. J

    Points and Credits????

    Hello. In my postbit near my name or ava picture i see..."credits and points". Im a bit confused on this. I believe that credits is what people will earn through out the forum task. Posting, voting and what not. But what is points? Im not sure if i understand what points are for and how do you...
  19. Replicators

    AddOn (REQ) Living Avatars Integration

    How would i go about configuring this with living avatars? EDIT: Can this be moved to support, i put this in the wrong place (OOPS)
  20. cloferba

    how do disable stadistics on posbit legacy?

    i want to dont show thanks stadistics on the posbit legacy under the avatar how can i do that?