
  1. O

    Question Addons not showing up

    Hi, I just installed navbar for 4.2.2. It actually works fine but still need to get used to it. However, some issues came up: I use th vbdownloads and avatars as well as a few other addons from here. Although I marked there to show a link in the navbar, the link doesn't appear on the navbar...
  2. W

    Question Shoutbox location

    I want to change the shout box location after/below the welcome note and notice box. How can I do it, please help.
  3. CharlieDelta

    Bug No Notification Emails

    We have a tournament running and there were two forfeits so far but no email reminders were sent. There are two more waiting and will most likely forfeit as well. Will continue to test.
  4. IcEWoLF

    Legacy PM setting requesting an additional option

    Hi Ozzy, could we please implement an option for PM to be sent to staff Only when donation has been automatically confirmed? I don't want to use the Send Pm To Staff Members? because randoms will click the donation block multiple times and not complete the transaction and completely spam my PM box.
  5. angeljs

    Bug Notifications are transparent

    I just sent out a global notification to test it out, but when I loaded a forum page, I could just barely make out a transparent box with white writing inside. I realise I can only change the background if I have the pro version, but I expected it to be black or grey or something :(
  6. Trekkan

    Legacy Invite Promotions/Initial User Setup/Referrals

    This is a larger request so if it's ever added at all, it'd probably be after this beta, but... Here's some ideas I came up with. I'd like to see the ability to create registration links that would predefine some user data. For instance, a link that would auto promote the user to a specific...
  7. M

    Bug Running Test: Fetch Cache failed

    I have APC installed on my server. My php.ini: [PHP] engine = On short_open_tag = On date.timezone = Europe/Berlin precision = "14" y2k_compliance = Off output_buffering = output_handler = unserialize_callback_func = zlib.output_compression = implicit_flush = Off...
  8. H

    Legacy Member Donation

    This would have to be the best idea I've had in a while :) Site donations are cool, but I'd like to suggest an extension to this idea. Member donations. It would work similar to how handles the "Support Developer" - Click on support developer [DBTech] vB Optimise v2 (vB4) -...
  9. angeljs

    Question Sounds not working

    I know there's been a million posts about this with as many answers, but I've tried all of them, I think. For the life of me I can't get the sounds to play in the shoutbox. Am I correct in thinking I can use any sound file format? I've tried a few with no luck. I have Quicktime, I've enabled...
  10. Ozzy47

    Bug Hash Tag Issue

    When you wrap something with html, php, or code tags if the info contains a # it screws up the info. I think hash tags should be innorded if wrapped in those tags. Once you post, and go back and edit the post, removing everyting inbetween the tags and re submit it wit the info you want in there...
  11. M

    Question vBNavTabs Popup Height

    Can the pull down height be changed?
  12. T

    Bug Xenforo Dragonbyte RPG Theme - Did not come with everything...

    I purchased the Dragonbyte RPG theme for my Xenforo site, problem is it did not come with all the features it said it would. I did not get a Responsive and Fixed version of the site. Please advise. Thank you.
  13. Neo_Angelo

    Bug Lost links to avatar even though enabled.

    I may have done something wrong but once i upgraded from vB avatars 1.0.2 to the latest version v2.0.0b1 i seem to have had the links removed in "community" and "quick links" that let you go to the avatars page even though the checkboxes in my ACP are ticked to enable them. Not sure where they...
  14. Darkwaltz4

    Question Tournament Feature Overview

    Here are the details on how I am implementing/planning current features to work. This will probably morph into the user guide later. If you want clarification, ask in this thread. If you have suggestions/alterations to discuss, start a new thread on it. Tournaments These are created on a...
  15. Darkwaltz4

    Question Download Beta: #7

    Kept here will be the revision log for each beta version. You can find the actual zip to download in your members area. The date on the members area download may not be updated, but just keep up with the latest posts here and download accordingly. This work is to be treated as any license...