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  1. Maximilian2

    Suggestion for Twitter

    I see that the twitter account of DB-Tech it's not often updated for the new blog posts and the updates...i use often twitter and i'm a follower to your updates, but it's not often updated...If you have not time to regularly update the twitter page (twitter is a good platform for promoting your...
  2. Maximilian2

    Suggestion for a new mod

    In the past i have suggested to create a mod similar to the very popular Living Avatars Mod ( Now, the project is dead, the previous owner have sold the project to a non-coder. The development disappears. Now i think that this mod can...
  3. Maximilian2

    What's your opinion about vbulletin 5?

  4. Maximilian2

    Make User Status & Moods a pro modification

    Why not? IPB and Xenforo has a nice user status feature, commentable, etc. - Updates from twitter & Facebook (widget) - Commentable status - A page with all the latests user status updates etc. etc.
  5. Maximilian2

    How Big Are Your Forums?

    What's the average of online users in your forum?
  6. Maximilian2

    Progressive discount in bundle?

    I like the "progressive" discount of IPB Store and i want to buy many dbt addons in the future, this progressive discount imho can incentive the users to buy more dbt scripts. I don't want a lifetime licence (1 year licence is sufficient for me, i just attend a stable vb version...), my request...
  7. Maximilian2

    Autolinker mod

    VB don't has a serious auto linker mod, for seo and ad purpose, who convert a selected keyword in a link, or convert a link to ebay/amazon etc. in un an affiliate link...(the are multiple mods to do that, but why not a UNIQUE mod with a plenty of features to do that?)...
  8. Maximilian2

    How to install?

    Mhh excuse me i a vb newbie, i have read the readme but i don't say where upload the files...can you explain me how to install vbc?
  9. Maximilian2

    Living Avatars... you know it? Is a great plugin for vb 3.8 (it's an abbandoned project...), but i think not supported for vb 4.0. Do you have any plan for a plugin like this?
  10. Maximilian2

    Suggestione for RQ or a new mod is a very popular social network which permits to ask questions to another users or give answers to other users. It has very good features like anonymous questions, the possibility of follow another users (and see in a panel their response for questions...) etc. I think a mod like...
  11. Maximilian2

    VB Adserver/Adsense Revenue Sharing

    VB has a good ads management but it's good a integration with vb activity like this: with this points an user can acquire a banner/link place in the ads of the forum, or add his adsense code, with percentual of revenue sharing based on his vba level. Cool or not?
  12. Maximilian2

    Multiple Shoutbox?

    I have a big forum with more little communityes, why don't create the possibility to create multiple shoutbox? I intend different shoutbox in one forum, in forum A one shoutbox, in forum B another shoutbox...
  13. Maximilian2

    IPB3 or VB4?

    What do you prefer? I think IPB3 is a very Good software, the ultimate version for this script is amazing! Customizable profiles, great seo options, status updates like facebook, a great facebook/twitter integration etc. and very fast updates (compare the ipb official blog to the ipb blog...)...
  14. Maximilian2

    Questione & Suggestions

    Test of tagging script @Fillip H.: @Cosmic: Mhh excuse me for my very bad english, i'm from Italy. I'm very impressed for your works: your mods are amazing! You are the best.;) 1) Why this forum don't have a rss feed? 2) IMHO the price of "Branding Free" is too high...ok you need to mantain a...