Recent content by cdprojektred

  1. C

    Bug Pagination problem

    It's completely solve the problem. Thank you.
  2. C

    Bug Pagination problem

    It does not help. I found problem in SQL. Plugin calculates the limit for each query separately that is incorrect: View Profile: undomiel9 - Forums (last page of results) dbtech/thanks/includes/class_profileblock.php: prepare_output(): SELECT entryid, contenttype FROM dbtech_thanks_recententry...
  3. C

    Bug Pagination problem

    Recent Entries is set to 30. I can't see difference when changing it. I think that problem is in dbtech/thanks/includes/class_profileblock.php: prepare_output() // Count number of users $count = intval(THANKS::$db->fetchOne(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbtech_thanks_recententry AS...
  4. C

    Bug Pagination problem

    Hello, It seems that page count is wrong calculated. You can see it here View Profile: undomiel9 - Forums and in many other profiles. A few last pages are empty. I can provide additional information.
  5. C

    Bug Disabling Trophies does not hide their block headers on members page

    Disabling Trophies should also hide blocks headers.
  6. C

    Bug Not all achievements calculated in certain condition

    I confirm that your fix works. Thanks!
  7. C

    Bug Not all achievements calculated in certain condition

    May 19th is still better then "done when it's done." ;)
  8. C

    Bug Not all achievements calculated in certain condition

    Hello, There is a hard to explain problem with data integrity, let me show it in a pseudocode: In class_core.php:check_feature_by_typenames(): self::verify_rewards_cache($userinfo); at this point $userinfo['dbtech_vbactivity_rewardscache'] is an array, good! then in: foreach ($features as...
  9. C

    Bug v3.3.0 not compatible with vBActivity & Awards v3.1.9 Pro

    Hello, dbtech/thanks/vbactivity_type/*.php files should be updated to newest vBActivity API. public function check_criteria($conditionid, &$userinfo) { if (!$this->action()) to if (!$this->action($userinfo)) etc. In current versions achievements based on APTL plugin does not work. Thanks!
  10. C

    Bug Reputation from Advanced Post Thanks / Like button problem

    No problem, I found workaround (site specific).
  11. C

    Bug Reputation from Advanced Post Thanks / Like button problem

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like button is an reputation source. It is increase user.reputation value. But this event does not trigger givenrep/gottenrep Criteria types in vBActivity. I have Reputation (Received) >= 10 criteria and an achievement based on this criteria. It does not work. I think...
  12. C

    Legacy Achievements translation

    Is there any way to translate achievements title and description? I'd like to show them in all forum languages.
  13. C

    Bug Problem with per forum criteria

    Thank you. It looks perfect now :)
  14. C

    Bug Problem with per forum criteria

    Now it works. Thanks! :) But... ;) Please look at attached image Is there any chance to add forum title to this list and to another places where Criteria with forum limit are used i.e. Criteria Manager and Achievement Encyclopedia? Without this info it is hard to setup achievements and to...