Recent content by 007

  1. 007

    Bug Issue with Ajax

    Hi, I have a custom AJAX solution on my site that I coded myself. It updates every minute and shows latest posts. The links to these posts show the correct SEO'd urls at first, but once it updates they link to the default vBulletin urls instead. From a purely visual standpoint, this isn't an...
  2. 007

    Bug WinCache errors with DB Seo and VB Optimize together on vB 3.8.x

    Out of the list of cache options supported by vBulletin and vB Optimize, which do you recommend for users on Windows servers?
  3. 007

    Bug WinCache errors with DB Seo and VB Optimize together on vB 3.8.x

    I just purchased DB SEO for vB 3.8 and I'm already using your vB Optimize plugin as well. I have the optimize plugin configured to use WinCache, but DBSEO keeps giving me errors with WinCache. Here's what the error message is: Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore_WINCACHE' not found in...