Bug Bizarre Behaviour

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I installed the pro version of forum tabs yesterday. Everything seemed to go smoothly, no errors and I was able to configure about 4 tabs which subsequently seemed to work just fine. So far so good.

Then I noticed that the forum was slowing down, at first I didn't pay much attention but then it started getting really slow and I was getting messages from members telling me the same thing.

Eventually it just stopped, completely, no access at all. After a bit the web page went blank and this error message appeared:

Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/1040): Too many connections in /home/austra22/public_html/vb4/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_db.php on line 112
Connect Error (1040) Too many connections

I also got several emails about database errors. Uptime robot, which I use to monitor forum availability, also sent me a message that the forum was down.

Eventually I managed to get back into the forum, got in AdminCP and turned off the tabs. Almost immediately the forum returned to normal operation.

I left most of the default settings as they were and only added the 4 tabs.

Aside from some other mods installed, most of which are from DBT, the forum is almost default Vers. 4.2.3

Do you have any idea what could have caused this? Could there be some issue with 4.2.3?

Thanks for the report. I've tagged Fillip H. to see what he might suggest as the error is from DBSEO and not from DFT so it might be something we need to work on in terms of compatibility.
Hmm, what do you mean almost?

Well, aside from the mods mentioned, it is default. No skins, no template edits other than what the modifications might have done during normal installs, and so on.

Aside from, as I said, the mods, I have done nothing to the forum other than normal configurations.

I can send you the list of installed plugins if you like.
You'll need to contact your host and ask them to increase the amount of concurrent MySQL connections allowed.
You'll need to contact your host and ask them to increase the amount of concurrent MySQL connections allowed.

OK, I can do that, no problem, but I don't understand why turning on the tabs caused too many connections. I'm assuming that they use DB connections to operate but do they use a large number? There were certainly a lot less people connected at the time than often occurs.

Considering that I can have up to 250 people concurrently connected, what would you consider an appropriate number to have it raised to to cater for the tabs?
Considering DBSEO opens a separate connection that runs parallel with vB (due to the fact that DBSEO needs DB access before vB loads), I'd say at least double.
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