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Last night I purchased Advanced User Tagging. Paid for it through PayPal. It cleared my PayPal immediately.

Is there somewhere else I have to go besides the Client Area to download it?

All I see in there is:

Awaiting Authorisation
Please check your PayPal email address.

I am a bit surprised that it is still the same. What am I having to wait for? (yes the emails are correct).

I have never had to wait this long for something to download. Especially after paying for it.

At this point I am thinking I just want my money back.
Have you checked the inbox for the email account associated with your PayPal account? There will be an authorisation link email waiting for you.

If there's no such email in the inbox or spam folders, please follow the instructions in the banner above your license list. They will instruct you to send an email from your PayPal primary account email to an automated license validation system, which will unlock your purchase within an hour.

I apologise for the inconvenience, it's a sad state of affairs that we have to inconvenience legitimate customers such as yourself in order to cut down on fraud :(
This just has me going in circles. I do not have a business. I do not have a VAT number. I clicked all links in my emails (2 emails from you).
The email I use here is identical to my PayPal email.
If you can so easily take my payment, why is this so impossible to get to download?

I want my payment from PayPal refunded, or please send me a link where I can download my purchase.
I am not trying to be difficult........but this process is absurd.
I do not want to have to go through the process of filing a complaint with PayPal, but I will if I have to. I am not going to get ripped off.
How can I be a got your money.
Thank you.
This just has me going in circles. I do not have a business. I do not have a VAT number.
I am referring to these instructions:
Screenshot 2014-04-08 20.04.05.webp
How can I be a got your money.
Some people use stolen PayPal accounts in order to purchase products from us. The original owners then notice the "Receipt for your payment to DragonByte Technologies" email and file a complaint with PayPal.

As a result, the thieves have their products and we don't have our money.

Most people use different passwords for their email addresses and their PayPal accounts (which is a good thing), so when our system detects the emails are different, it requires that the person accesses their PayPal email address and click a verification link. This has brought the amount of fraud down to almost zero.

I have unlocked your purchase and removed the need for further authorisation on future purchases, as I see why our system got confused. I will make sure this doesn't happen again for any other customers.

Sorry for this, hopefully you can understand and sympathise with why we had to implement these measures :(
I am referring to these instructions:
View attachment 5585
Some people use stolen PayPal accounts in order to purchase products from us. The original owners then notice the "Receipt for your payment to DragonByte Technologies" email and file a complaint with PayPal.

As a result, the thieves have their products and we don't have our money.

Most people use different passwords for their email addresses and their PayPal accounts (which is a good thing), so when our system detects the emails are different, it requires that the person accesses their PayPal email address and click a verification link. This has brought the amount of fraud down to almost zero.

I have unlocked your purchase and removed the need for further authorisation on future purchases, as I see why our system got confused. I will make sure this doesn't happen again for any other customers.

Sorry for this, hopefully you can understand and sympathise with why we had to implement these measures :(

Okay, I do understand what it is that you were wanting me to do, but I never saw anything in my PayPal to validate my email address.
I have had a PayPay account for many years, and have used the same email address for 8 or 9 years.

I assure you I am not a thief. If I were I would be trying to get a lot more than I did. LOL

Thank you for clearing it all up for me. Much appreciated. :)

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