Donate for XF2 Generates Errors

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Bought Donate for XF2.

It causes MANY errors.
I filed support tickets, and got NO response.

This is my second time giving DB a chance, and having this happen.

I would like some support or a refund of my $50 please.
Hi there,

Can you please link me to your support tickets? According to our records, this is the first post you have ever posted on this site, so I am not sure where your support tickets are.

If you can please post the links to your tickets, I will be happy to look into why they were not answered in a timely manner.

Sent 2 tickets, no one responded.
They are now nowhere to be found.

I disabled the plugin, and still get errors:

Stack trace
#0 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php(340): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->getExchangeRates()
#1 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/XF/Cron/Donate.php(9): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->setExchangeRates()
#2 [internal function]: DBTech\Donate\XF\Cron\Donate::setExchangeRates(Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#3 src/XF/Job/Cron.php(36): call_user_func(Array, Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#4 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(241): XF\Job\Cron->run(7.99999904633)
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(187): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.99999904633)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(76): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.99999904633)
#7 job.php(15): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#8 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(65) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Last edited:
Sent 2 tickets, no one responded.
They are now nowhere to be found.
I've checked the moderator log, and no-one has removed any threads :(

Did you receive an email confirmation of your ticket being submitted? If you did, there will be links to the tickets in those emails, and if you could please paste those links here, that would be a great help.

If you did not receive any such emails, then unfortunately the tickets were not submitted successfully :(

I disabled the plugin, and still get errors
Did you disable it via the options, or via the Add-ons menu? If you disabled it via the options, that would explain why the cron job (where the error comes from) still runs.

Stack trace
#0 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php(340): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->getExchangeRates()
#1 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/XF/Cron/Donate.php(9): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->setExchangeRates()
#2 [internal function]: DBTech\Donate\XF\Cron\Donate::setExchangeRates(Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#3 src/XF/Job/Cron.php(36): call_user_func(Array, Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#4 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(241): XF\Job\Cron->run(7.99999904633)
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(187): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.99999904633)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(76): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.99999904633)
#7 job.php(15): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#8 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(65) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Thank you for providing the stack trace, much appreciated. Could you please also include the error message itself?

If you go to the Server Logs page, then click the error log entry, an overlay should pop up that has the error message above the stack trace, for instance
Error: Call to undefined method XF\Mvc\Entity\FinderCollection::expression() src\XF\Mvc\Entity\FinderCollection.php:76
Generated by: Fillip H. Dec 20, 2017 at 11:59 AM

Once I have this information, combined with the stack trace, I will be able to provide a fix for you :)


I've checked the moderator log, and no-one has removed any threads :(

Did you receive an email confirmation of your ticket being submitted? If you did, there will be links to the tickets in those emails, and if you could please paste those links here, that would be a great help.

If you did not receive any such emails, then unfortunately the tickets were not submitted successfully :(

Did you disable it via the options, or via the Add-ons menu? If you disabled it via the options, that would explain why the cron job (where the error comes from) still runs.

Thank you for providing the stack trace, much appreciated. Could you please also include the error message itself?

If you go to the Server Logs page, then click the error log entry, an overlay should pop up that has the error message above the stack trace, for instance

Once I have this information, combined with the stack trace, I will be able to provide a fix for you :)


I submitted tickets, and assumed they went through. I guess they did not.

Numerous errors were generated. I had to uninstall it.

It also does not do what we need.

We need people to be able to donate a certain set amount ($25, $50), get their group raised, and get an email receipt /acknowledgement for tax purposes. It doesn't do that.

It would be nice if it had features that the VB version did, like changing locations, goal bars and more flexibility.
I would be willing to work with you on this, as I do with other coders, to get things cleaned up.

We also need a newsletter app, and I am considering yours.
We need people to be able to donate a certain set amount ($25, $50), get their group raised, and get an email receipt /acknowledgement for tax purposes. It doesn't do that.
I don't believe the vB version provides an email receipt either, but PayPal will provide a receipt if that's the payment profile you use.

That being said, if you were to provide me with the full wording you would want to use in the email, I can look into implementing it once the mod has left Beta :)

As for set donation amounts, we have had a couple requests so it's certainly something I can look into as well.

It would be nice if it had features that the VB version did, like changing locations, goal bars and more flexibility.
Goal bars absolutely exist in this version :)

If you enable the Donation Goal feature by setting a target amount, a progress bar will appear. If you also set an end date, you will even get a countdown timer :)

I would be willing to work with you on this, as I do with other coders, to get things cleaned up.
I would need to get the full error messages & stack traces of every error message in order to get this cleaned up, without that information we are unfortunately stuck hoping other customers receive the same errors you did :(
The VBulletin version we had there was provision for a "Thank you" email or PM. This can be used to provide a receipt for nonprofit donation purposes.
You ought to provide a "Thank you" provision, in any event, to allow users to thank the donors for their donations.

For those of us who do not wish to use the built-in account upgrade feature in XF2, it would be nice to have the ability to set an amount of the donation that would automatically upgrade the person's account. For example, $25, $50, $100, either one-time or recurring.

I will reinstall the addon and send you all the errors that it generates.
Here is one error:

Server error log
Exception: Invalid Exchange Rate API Response src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php:297
Generated by: Unknown account Dec 29, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php(340): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->getExchangeRates()
#1 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/XF/Cron/Donate.php(9): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->setExchangeRates()
#2 [internal function]: DBTech\Donate\XF\Cron\Donate::setExchangeRates(Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#3 src/XF/Job/Cron.php(36): call_user_func(Array, Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#4 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(241): XF\Job\Cron->run(7.99999904633)
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(187): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.99999904633)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(76): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.99999904633)
#7 job.php(15): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#8 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(86) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I am unable to replicate this issue. Can you please send me a screenshot of your Currency Management screen? It should look like this:

That's a screenshot of the screenshot I posted, I'm a bit confused? I need to see your Currency Management screen, not mine :)
Still getting this error:

Exception: Invalid Exchange Rate API Response src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php:297
Generated by: Unknown account Dec 30, 2017 at 7:03 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/Model/Currency.php(340): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->getExchangeRates()
#1 src/addons/DBTech/Donate/XF/Cron/Donate.php(9): DBTech\Donate\Model\Currency->setExchangeRates()
#2 [internal function]: DBTech\Donate\XF\Cron\Donate::setExchangeRates(Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#3 src/XF/Job/Cron.php(36): call_user_func(Array, Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#4 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(241): XF\Job\Cron->run(7.99999809265)
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(187): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.99999809265)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(76): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.99999809265)
#7 job.php(15): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#8 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(54) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
That is taken directly from the Admin panel of our site.
But if you look at the browser URL in the screenshot you posted, it says ""

Is that the URL of your website?
Hello hobbymachinist,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Answered.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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