Question Importing users

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New member
Fillip H.

How do I make all users automatically subscribed in the list?
I tried ticking auto subscribed to the usergroups but it wont appear on the subscribed list.

If it isnt possible, can you give me the sql query to make all users set as subscribed to a mailing list?

Auto subscribed only works if it's ticked during the creation of the mailing list. At all other times, it will only apply to new users.
Fillip H.

I cant make all users subscribed to the list.

Can you give me the sql query to make all users set as subscribed to a mailing list?

Thank you
Fillip H.

Can you look on this?
Can you give me the sql query to make all users set as subscribed to a mailing list?
What's your mailing list ID (mouse over the Edit link in the ACP) and do you use a table prefix (find it in config.php)?
INSERT INTO dbtech_vbmail_subscription
(userid, mailinglistid, subscribed)
SELECT userid, '3', '1' FROM user

That should work :)
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Legacy vBMail

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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