
Just purchase the vB Optimise Pro, but when it comes to download it, the members area tell me to edit my licence settings. I tried many ways to validate my forum url, without any success. The website replied with "Your submission was not saved due to error. Please recheck the fields highlighted."

Anyway to fix this problem.
My URL as a '-' in its domain name and my forum is in a subdirectory.
(no problem to edit licence settings with this kind of url on vbulletin.com, vbseo.com)

Thanks for you help.
Enter your URL without the dash for now, we'll fix it and alert you so you can enter the proper URL later :)
Hum, ok, it works with a 'false' url... have two dashes in my url (the domain name, plus the directory...)
Thanks for your help.
I've modified the regular expression attached the URL field and tested with this and it got accepted:

Let me know if you still experience any issues (if so please PM me the URL so I can test that directly) :)