Legacy Classifieds V1.1.13

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Is there an Option for German Language in the New Version?
Thats was importend for me.
I have lost (deleted) tree Payment Versions in the Processors Manager.
Is there a Chance to get back this ?
Its only Paypal set, the other was deleted (stupidity from me)

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Many apologies for the delay in getting a reply to this, a very busy few days for me.

To answer your questions, we have not German translation yet, but if you want to produce one and share it with the community that would be greatly appreciated. If you want to help do that let me know and I'll provide what help I can.

Regarding the payment Processors, you can recreate each one you need easily enough. Just make sure the correct Processor File is selected. Currently Paypal is the one used for PayPal, Transfer (which is currently in 1.1.13 a blank option because of a missing phrase I've fixed for a later version) is for Bank Transfers, the remaining options use the Blank option.

Hope that helps.
Hello Stegrie,

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