• Support will be limited until May 8th, as I will be out of the office travelling. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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I thought I'd let our users try out the Lite version, but the install hangs.

Importing Product, Please Wait...


Altered Table: administrator
Altered Table: usergroup
Created Table: dbtech_livewall_contenttype
Created Table: dbtech_livewall_settings
Populdated Table: dbtech_livewall_contenttype
Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0

Altered Table: dbtech_livewall_settings
Populated Table: dbtech_livewall_contenttype
Updated Table: datastore
Created Table: dbtech_livewall_comment
Created Table: dbtech_livewall_status

---that's where it stops.

Any ideas?
Beyond that point it's attempting to rebuild the forum sidebar cache. Try adding
ini_set('display_errors', true);
below <?php in config.php and see if there's an actual error message :)
Here's the error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB_BlockType_Dbtech_thanks in Unknown on line 0
I think this may be a bug in vB 4.0.7, that version is quite ancient by now. It's not an issue anyone else has reported, so I don't think I can fix it :(
I think this may be a bug in vB 4.0.7, that version is quite ancient by now. It's not an issue anyone else has reported, so I don't think I can fix it :(

I understand. Since it alters the database before crashing I'd like to at least be able to back out of it. Is there an easy way of doing that?
It doesn't alter anything vital, you can open up /dbtech/livewall/install and the 100.php and 110.php files to find the changes it made :)
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DragonByte Technologies
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