Monster/Pet RPG v0.1 Alpha online

DragonByte Technologies

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We have opened up our monster/pet rpg for you guys to have a look at - simply click forumon RPG in the navbar (working title)

At the moment it will just give you a rough idea of the layout and the basics of battle.

Major features still to come for v1.0;

Monster Breeding (including making unique monsters with parts & colour combinations)
Monster Catching
Map Travel
And More...

Hopefully you guys will be able to see these features be added bit by bit over the coming days and weeks.

As always feel free to leave your feedback below =)

Report any bugs/problems here:
Hey Cosmic

its been 1 hour now

why is the rpg mod not up and running yet

Pick any one (1) or more answers:

1: Because it's not ready
2: Because it's not ready
3: Because it hates you
4: Just to annoy you
5: Because it's not ready
6: You are owed nothing
7: Be thankful you get to test it at all

And finally...

8: Because it's not ready!!
What Trekkan said =)

The good news is that, despite me being distracted by your posts saucer (fixing things takes longer when we have to stop and read your posts asking when it will be ready), it's good to go now =)

Press ctrl+f5 and click on the forumon link in the navbar, have fun testing the layout and basic battle mechanics guys.
And then I got schooled by a level 2 Rhingo. DAMN YOU, Rhingo!

I got beat to a pulp by a level 3 one of those. JUST about beat him too... 4 HP left on him and he killed me. =) He did run outta stam and had to wait until that built back up, but I was having such a hard time hitting him, he built it up and then killed me. =)
Battles dont seem to work for me (chrome) i just see one crazy arse images with about 100 lines tho it :X
I know that you don't want the monsters to spontaneously heal in between battles, but they should at least regenerate their stamina. Aw yeah!
I've been testing it on Chrome since yesterday and have no issues yet.

Must of been a background than

if i see it again i will get the url
Those backgrounds come from my old vB 3.0 RPG, they're just placeholders. We wouldn't give you guys such shitty low-res images ;)