Lack of interest make "bump thread" item compatible with "Banxix Bump Thread"


Banxix "bump thread" has a feature to sort threads by "bumped" status, rather than replies.


It would be great if DBTech Shop's bumped items worked with Banxix's bump sort order!

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Hello @Frybread,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Shop. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
Banxix's "bump thread" works by creating a new sorting option, "bumped threads" and you activate it as the default sort in your desired forums (classifieds usually). He makes a new table to hold this information,

which holds thread_id, user_id, and bump_date.

What do you think? I respect your work, and I'm motivated to get this done so let me know ;)

Attached for convenience, free download at


The problem with this add-on is that instead of just relying on detecting changes in a thread's last post date, it has its own entire way of bumping threads that's completely incompatible with standard methods of bumping.

Shop does this:
        /** @var \XF\Entity\Thread $thread */
        $thread = $this->em()->find('XF:Thread', $this->purchase->configuration['contentid']);
        if (!$thread)
        $thread->LastPost->post_date = \XF::$time;
        $thread->last_post_date = \XF::$time;
Thus hard forcing the bump by physically altering the dates of the last post. This makes it compatible with the widest number of add-ons.

At this time, I don't see the value in adding compatibility with this add-on due to the significant differences in design. If that add-on was updated to also listen for changes to last_post_date in the Thread entity, then it could insert its own logging without any further changes needed in Shop.

That being said, I'll flag this as On Hold just in case there's dozens of other people using that mod out there who all chime in to say they want this :P
A few years later, but my community would still love these sorts of features.

Could I sponsor an update to dbshop to better control bumping? Or perhaps a new addon? We're all grown up now and have money :)

Either by adding compatibility with this addon:
(under MIT license, so feel free to modify any part)

or by lifting a few of its features, such as:

  • Bump button in thread list
  • Bump button next to the "post reply" button
  • Permission to bump own/other threads
  • Sort option: "Bumped Threads" (a must for classified forums)
  • Free X bumps per day
And then of course the big thing we all want: dbshop/dbcredits integration.
  • Charge dbcredits per bump (after free bumps are gone)
I'd love to see all the bump buttons include the bump price on them, once people's free daily bumps run out.

Thank you for your time
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