
  1. bzcomputers

    Question Reducing server load and page load times by moving rules from .htaccess to httpd.conf

    I was going to do some testing on moving .htaccess rules directly into httpd.conf to see if I could squeeze a little better performance overall out of vb4 in general. I personally have a substantial amount of rewrite rules already that I wanted to move from .htaccess to httpd.conf and figured to...
  2. Marcelos

    vbShout doubts

    Some doubts about vbShout. 1. I want to hide the chat content from guests (show only to logged in users) - is it possible? 2. Is it possible to change the shoutbox location to the sidebar for example? 3. Do the archives are indexed by search engine crawlers? Thanks
  3. neounix

    Question Discussion on DBSEO URL Format for Threads

    Hi. I noticed that DragonByte uses this thread format: /f[forum_id]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Do you mind to explain your thinking why you chose this over: /[forum_name]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Which would give even more keywords in the URL. Or as we are thinking to do...
  4. S

    Mobile Skin

    I hope DB Staff will make vbulletin mobile skin. This far i only know 2 mobile skins that exist on vb world : Default vb mobile skin. Cons : very heavy for mobile connection. Too "fancy", not suitable for mobile connection. Some people have very slow mobile connection so they need very...
  5. N

    Bug Management Forums doesn't work

    Hello! When I try to save the configuration of the forums, doesn't work. Boxes go blank again. Sorry for my english... Regards!
  6. IcEWoLF

    Legacy scrollable UI for forumhome

    Hi Dylan, lets consider adding this on forumhome for vBGallery: Minimal setup for scrollable I also like the boxed idea and then the images inside of it, so that way the gallery mod is not too big and it won't take up too much space. It would enhance the overall look of the forums and it would...
  7. LissaE

    Legacy Postbit Stats

    I'd like to change how the postbit stats display....if I can lol At the moment looking like this: Thanks (Given): 17 Thanks (Received): 5 Likes (Given): 1 Likes (Received): 5 Dislikes (Given): 0 Dislikes (Received): 0 That's too many extra lines and I currently have it disabled, can I change...
  8. Neo_Angelo

    Make TT pro Available as LITE

    I've seen a few people still interested in TT but for whatever reasons DB-Tech cannot sell it at the moment, my suggestion is since development on it is minimal and the origianl designer isn't around anymore then why not release the pro version as a freebie to DB-Tech customers/ joe public as a...
  9. ZeroHour

    vB Optimise Pro compile time stats

    Hi Just wondering if there were any examples of compile time (using the debugger numbers) to show how much vB Optimise Pro improves things on a default install? Guest cache viewing page compile stats too would be very useful. I am curios about the product but I would like some numbers on a...
  10. Replicators

    Legacy Forumon needs more work

    I have to be honest, i feel i was ripped off on buying it now. It's a great concept, it just lacks ALOT. Can't buy equipment to make your monster stronger, though i would like to see a equipment system similar to darkspore. Combat is beyond tedious, having to defend to regain stamina, i would...
  11. O

    Question Enquiry

    Hello, On my website I have Pro Like/Dislike mod and on my site it shows the attached file 'Likes' which currently shows '4 Likes' next to a heart symbol. But, I do not see such a feature on your website here? Why is that? Thanks, O.H.
  12. G

    vB Optimise Pro Question

    Hi, we recently installed vB Optimise Lite on our site and like what we see so far. I had a few questions about the Guest Caching feature in Pro. 1) We have several plugins (some of which make up a good deal of our traffic) would the pages for these be cached as well? 2) We use the VB ad...
  13. R

    Question WHAT is and HOW do I use this HASH TAG ?

    #word and ; Twitter-style Sends a forum notification to subscribed users so I read and seen this now how exactly do I use this , i see a spot for it in profile settings "You have no subscribed hash tags" . theres 3 areas for it but what goes there , im new to all this so im very confused and...
  14. blinkster

    Recommeneded Settings

    You guys made and run this, in your opinion what is the best settings? I have installed lite version so i can have a play first.
  15. Mokonzi

    StyleVar Compatability

    I've noticed that so far there is minimal StyleVar compatability with DBTech mods. I really would love to see this resolved asap, as having more end control on what something looks like on the site helps us to integrate it more into our sites. It winds me up that vB don't have more StyleVars...
  16. R

    What order do I untangle this upgrade to vbcredits pro ?

    I need help in determining the sequence I use to upgrade and to remove the adon for v3arcade that failed previously but refuses to uninstall. I had vBCredits 1.4rc2 installed on my 3.86 and disabled it before upgrading to 4.0x back in April. I want to upgrade to the Pro version. and I...
  17. Fillip H.

    Mistake on Our Part & Shocking News

    We take any recommendation we make very seriously, and wanted to make sure none of our customers got burned dealing with a company we said nice things about. As you may be aware, we recently took on DarkWaltz4, the creator and coder of the popular vBCredits system. DarkWaltz (John) is now a...
  18. Trekkan

    Thank you mod

    In another thread I mentioned that the current thank you mod was... kinda crappy. If you look at, the author of that mod hasn't been seen in 2 months and the forum is riddled with support issues that go unanswered. It seems to me also that the mod is a big bloated for what it does...